Episode 25: Act dumb for a week

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Theodore: *adjusts camera* We are recording!

Alvin: Hello, everybody! We're back for the Chipmunk Podcast!

Simon: We've been snowed under piles of school work, but we'll try to update as soon as we can! Thanks for your patience, guys!

Theodore: Hey... where are the Chipettes?

Alvin: *groans* I dunno, probably doing their make-up or getting ready, or something. Sometimes it seems like that's their only purpose in life. Let's just get this started without them.

Simon: And speaking of which, we have a dare today. From @Primo_Astro_JR. For... m-me...

Alvin: *rubs his hands together* Ooh, this better be good.

Simon: It says: "I dare Simon to act stupid for the entire week." *grumbles* Great. The ONE quality I lack, I have to resemble. For 168 hours.

Theodore: W-woah! How did y-

Alvin: FINALLY! One week without having to listen to boring facts! Oh, how I love this podcast!

Simon: Except when the dares are for you.

Alvin: Well, you heard the commenter. No more brainy Seville this week... starting NOW!

Simon: But intelligence is who I am? Without my smarts, I-

Alvin: Without them, you're no one. Yeah, we know.

Simon: Erm, I wasn't gonna say THAT. *awkward cough* Um, I was gonna say, without smarts I'm just a dumb guy.

Alvin: Weeeeellllll, I'm not a genius or anything, but I think that's the point of this dare. So, we're starting the dumb guy dare now!

Simon: Fun. Acting stupid. For a whole week. It's only been my dream ever since I was a kid. *sigh*

Theodore: R-really? Since when?

Simon: Theo, I... Your innocence never fails to amaze me. *shakes his head and smiles*


Simon has been dared to ditch his intelligence for a week, and act dumb/stupid. The interesting thing is, the Chipettes don't know about this dare. And Alvin thought it would be funny not to tell them about the dare, or anyone, for that matter.

He said it would make things "a lot more interesting" for everybody to experience Simon acting like this for no reason in particular. Well, here goes nothing!

DAY 1: What's an equation?

At the Chipette's Treehouse...

Jeanette: *puts down her glass of orange juice* H-hey, Simon?

Simon: Yeah? What's up?

Jeanette: Could you help me with this chemistry assignment? I'm having a little trouble working out this question.

Simon: Sure thing, Jeanette. *fixes his glasses* Let me take a look. *takes the paper*

Ten seconds later...

Simon: *suddenly remembers the dare* Umm... *stares at it for a long time*

Jeanette: *shuffles her hands awkardly* Sooo... any idea how to balance this equation?

Simon: I... you see...

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