Episode 18: Subjects you struggle with?

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Theodore: *fixes the camera* We're recording!

Alvin: You've tuned into Episode 18 of our renowned Chipmunk Podcast! It's just the Chipmunks and I today... the Chipettes had some other thing to do-

Simon: They got invited to an interview with Derek Clayton!

Alvin: D-Derek Clayton? Who's Derek Clayt-

Simon: Are you kidding? He's only the best guitar player ever!

Alvin: O-oh THAT Derek Clayton. Of course. *whispers to Theodore* I STILL have no idea who this guy is, but anyways. Today's a question from @Primo_Astro_JR for..... Simon Seville!

Simon: Was it really necessary to say my surname too?

Alvin: For dramatic purposes? YES. Anyways, it says... "For Simon: Which subject do you struggle with the most?"

Simon: Ooh, that's a good question.

Theodore: You're smart at everything, Si.

Simon: Thanks, Theodore. But I've got to admit, a subject I'm pretty much hopeless in is art.

Alvin: You got that right. And we all saw the worst of you in the ALVINNN!!! episode 'Artsy Smartsy'.

Simon: Yeah. I'm not creative much, when it comes to picking up a paintbrush or pencil, and adding a splash of colours to a plain canvas.

Theodore: I'm not too bad at art myself, though.

Simon: And I'm the opposite. My brain goes as blank as the canvas itself! Other than that, I pretty much excel in all other aspects of the school curriculum.

Alvin: *cough* Nerd! *cough*

Simon: *eye roll* Thank you, Alvin. Although, one thing I must mention... I do pretty badly in exams when I'm under a lot of stress. That's why it's important to calm down and mentally as well as physically prepare yourself for tests. It's damaging and unhealthy to your wellbeing if you take so much stress at once, and it really does affect your performance. Bottom line is, stay as far away from stress as possible.

Alvin: I don't take no stress when it comes to lame tests. I mean, they're just dumb questions that don't even matter, right? Just a couple pointless exams.

Simon: Yeah... they're just "pointless exams" that grade EVERYTHING YOUR GOOD AT and MAJORLY affect what job you're able to get in the future!

Alvin: Whatever.

Simon: Your ignorance to reality is disgusting, Alvin.

Alvin: Thanks!

Simon: Anyways. Thanks for the question, and see you next time!


Alvin: W-wow... you can hold your breath for a looong time, Theo!

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