Episode 27: Do you like chicken fingers?

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Theodore: *adjusts the camera* Action!

Eleanor: Welcome back to episode 27 of your favourite Chipmunk Podcast!

Simon: Again, Eleanor, I wouldn't hold my breath. THIS being the viewers' favourite podcast? Seems rather unlikely. And you know how accurate my probability calculations are.

Alvin: Well, you never know. Some of them might just like us too much. Especially yours truly. *winks*

Jeanette: We have a question from @Aaminah246, who says... "Do you like chicken fingers?"

Eleanor: I-

Alvin: Umm...

Brittany: That's.. sorta... random, don't you think?

Simon: W-well, I mean, we did open up the podcast to questions of all sorts, so I guess she really went for the most random question. I mean, who knows? Maybe they'll start asking questions like why Theo's so obsessed with food, or why Jeanette's so clumsy, or-

Jeanette: *growls* Please don't give them ideas, Simon.

Simon: O-o-okay? As you wish?

Jeanette: Ahem, T-Theo, why don't you lead with this one?

Theodore: Oh, I looooove chicken fingers! And all types of food, pretty much! Except brussel sprouts, of course.

Jeanette: I have been thinking about going vegan for a while... you know, to save the planet. Not vegan for the rest of my life - I don't have enough willpower to do that! - but for a short period maybe.

Simon: I prefer not to eat unhealthy foods with lots of fats and oils, as it increases the likelihood of getting cardiovascular disease-

Alvin: Alright, Mr. Bad-News, that's enough of that! Anywho, MY opinion on chicken fingers? They're alright, I guess. I much prefer burgers though.

Eleanor: I love food, and cooking it. And I guess chicken fingers is just one of them.

Brittany: As long as eating the food doesn't mess up my nails, we're good.

Alvin: Oh, surprise surprise. Brittany's talking about her looks. AGAIN.

Brittany: At least I care about my looks!!! But YOU on the other hand? Oh, you better hide, Alvin, 'cause the garbage collector's here. *shrugs her shoulders and smirks*

Alvin: Why you outta-

Simon: Guys, guys! Let's not start now.

Alvin: Yeah, Britt. We'll finish this later. *blows raspberries*

Brittany: Yeah, ALVIN! Don't start now! *blows raspberries*

Eleanor: *in a posh British accent* Oh, mi'lady's blowing raspberries? That's not very lady-like of her royal highness!

Jeanette: Aaaand, we're at it again. *turns to camera* See you next time on our Chipmunk Podcast! BYE!!!

Five minutes later...

Alvin: *rolls his eyes*

Brittany: Keep rolling those eyes, Alvin. Maybe you'll find a brain back there.

Alvin: Just keep on talking, Britt. Perhaps one day you'll say something intelligent.

Brittany: Oh, Alvin, YOU can't say anything. You're intelligence makes tomatoes look smart.

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