drunk words speak sober thoughts.

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word count: 1743
tw: teen drinking, language

"i don't know...parties aren't really my thing, awsten." i said to my best friend.

"just come, please. i know it's not really your scene but it's my first party and i really want you to be here. you can meet my other friends too." awsten begged. he sounded like he really wanted me there. so, deciding against my hatred for loud events, i agreed.

"okay. i'll be there." i told him.


"yes. what time?"

"i told everyone it starts at 8 but you can come at 7 if you want to." awsten told me.

"okay, i'll be there at 7." i decided. awsten and i said goodbye and i hung up to get ready.

if i wasn't in love with awsten, i probably would have said no. but i was. ever since we were young i had always loved him. we grew up together, best friends since birth (as cliché as that sounds). i didn't think it was possible for him to feel the same way, so i just never told him.

i wondered if there would be alcohol at the party. i mean, it was illegal because we were only 17, but it was a party. i had never drank before so i didn't know if i would even want to.

i had an hour until i had to be to awsten's, so i had to get ready.

i wore a green and navy blue casual sweater with ripped blue jeans. i also wore fishnets underneath the jeans that were easy to see because of how torn up the legs were. i also slid on vans and just brushed my hair out. i did my makeup as well, just applying a bit of eyeliner and mascara.

i texted my older sister telling her i would be at awsten's. we lost our parents in a car crash when i was 12 and she was 18. since she was a legal adult, she got custody of me and we were able to keep our house.

she almost immediately texted me back telling me to "use protection" which made
me roll my eyes. she knew awsten and i were close and always assumed we were together, even though i assured her many times that we were just friends.

awsten was my neighbor so i didn't need a ride to his house. i started walking and within two minutes i was at his doorstep, knocking.

"hey! you didn't need to knock, you know that right?" awsten greeted me. i just shrugged.

"i don't know, it just seemed polite i guess?" i normally didn't knock. i don't know why i did. normally i just walked in like i owned the place, awsten would do the same when he came to my house.

"come on in." he told me. i walked inside and he shut the door. "honestly, i thought you were the pizza dude. i ordered like 12 pizzas."

"holy shit. how many people did you invite?"

"all my friends, and then i told them they could invite their's too. so you know, there might be a lot of people."

fuck my life!

"hey, hey, you're gonna be okay. just stick by me." awsten noticed the slight panic on my face. i nodded.

about fifteen minutes later, the pizza guy arrived with a shit ton of pizza that awsten and i both had to carry to the kitchen. his house was big, so his kitchen was too.

"how many kinds are there?" i asked him.

"uh, three are pepperoni, three are just cheese, and the other six are an assortment of kinds." he told me.

"oh, okay."

just then, the doorbell rang again.

"that has to be otto and geoff." awsten said. who? i just followed him to the door.

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