worth it.

395 6 8

word count: 1111
tw: none

"come on, we gotta hurry." i told my friends, waving for them to hurry up. the concert started in 25 minutes and if we didn't move faster then we wouldn't get barricade.

"that's right, we gotta get y/n to her husband, awsten." one of my friends, lily, joked. my friends loved to pick on me because of my massive crush on awsten. while my friends enjoyed some of the band's music, it was mostly me that was into them.

"hey, leave her alone. that man is fine and we all know it." my other friend, willow, defended me. i just shook my head.

"i'll be ready in a sec, guys, just let me fix my lipgloss." our friend, quinn, called from the car. we were only waiting on them and they did have a tendency to be slow.

"i'm about to start walking without you guys." i warned. just then quinn got out of the car and closed the door.

"okay, okay, we can go." they laughed.

we started walking to the venue and eventually, surprisingly, we did make it in time and we got barricade. it was exciting, we got to have the best view of the band.

"wouldn't it be funny if awsten like pulled you on stage or something." willow joked.

"not likely, but don't even scare me like that. i think i'd throw up everywhere." i replied, shaking my head.

"because awsten was interacting with you or because you're on stage in front of hundreds of people?" quinn questioned. i laughed.

"both." i said. my three friends and i laughed and eventually we saw the three boys enter the stage. it was time.

the concert went extremely well. we all danced and sang to the songs (my friends sang to the ones that they knew) and we all had a blast. however, towards the end during stupid for you, my friends and i noticed something.

"is he making eye contact with you?!" lily exclaimed. awsten and i gazed into each others eyes while we sang to the words of his song. well, it seemed like it was me he was making eye contact with. i couldn't really tell with how many people there were.

"i...think so?" i replied. i didn't want to look away so i just continued singing the words. it was already easily one of the best moments in my life.

awsten broke eye contact during turbulent, the last song of the night, but i still couldn't stop thinking about our moment. which, sounded delusional in hindsight, but the way he looked at me just made me feel special. like i'd ever see him again, but still.

"that was insane!" quinn exclaimed, as we made our way back to my car.

"dude, i can't believe he made eye contact with you almost the entire time they played stupid you!" lily said to me. i just giggled.

"it doesn't even feel real, i swear." i told her. part of me wanted to go home and dm awsten and be like 'hi i'm the girl you made contact with during stupid for you tonight' but for all i knew he might've done that every night on tour. at least it got to be me that night.

"hey! hey, wait up!"

my friends and i turned around at the familiar voice and we froze. 50 feet behind us, we saw a neon green fluff of hair attempting to hop over a fence. we immediately knew it was awsten and my heart sped.

awsten started walking towards us and i started walking to him. if he wanted to talk to any of us, it was me right? i took a shaky breath as i approached the attractive singer.

"hi." i said, when we met in the middle. my voice was quiet and a little squeaky. i wanted to smack myself in the face. great impression, y/n!

"hey! this is really weird, and i apologize for stopping you, but i saw you in the crowd tonight and i wanted to meet you." awsten said to me. my heart sped even more. he wanted to meet me?

"that- that's not weird at all. i'm y/n," i then turned around. "and behind me are my friends, lily, willow, and quinn."

my three friends waved and i turned back to awsten.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, y/n. i'm awsten." awsten introduced himself. i let out a small laugh.

"i know. but, it's nice to meet you as well." i said. awsten smiled and it made my heart warm. he had an adorable smile.

"right, i forget you came to my concert. my brain just kind of melts when i talk to pretty people, i apologize."

"i- you're so sweet. i don't know why you wanted to catch up with me though, i'm sure you see tons of pretty girls nightly."

"yeah, but you seem different. god, i'm so cheesy tonight."

the two of us laughed together and then awsten took his phone out.

"hey, if it's alright with you, would it be okay if i got your number?" awsten asked me. i nodded and smiled.

i put my number in awsten's phone and then i saw two security guards hopping the fence. they did know there was a gate in the fence, right?

"i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but i think a couple security guards just realized you were gone." i told awsten. he looked behind himself and then turned back to me and shrugged.

"took em' long enough to realize i was gone." he said, nonchalantly. the guards approached us and they did not look happy.

"awsten, you were not supposed to leave the venue. it could have been unsafe." one guard said.

"he's right, you could have gotten hurt. especially hopping that fence. what were you thinking?" the other guard added. awsten let out a dramatic sigh.

"yes, dads. sorry, dads." he joked.

"now, we're gonna head back to the venue and have a nice long talk about why you're not gonna do that again." the first guard said. awsten just looked at me and smiled.

"eh, it was worth it. if it was her, i'd do it a million times again." he said. i just looked down and blushed.

"come on, let the girl get back to her friends now." one guard said. awsten and i said goodbye and i walked back to my friends, smiling the entire way.

"what the hell?!" willow exclaimed.

"did that just happen?!" lily asked me.

"what just happened?!" quinn added.

"i- i think i just gave awsten knight my number!"

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