because i love you.

457 8 9

word count: 2215
tw: cheating, angst, fighting, language

awsten's pov

*knock knock knock*

my head snapped up at the sound of knocking on my door. my eyebrows scrunched in confusion. it was 10 at night and it was down pouring outside, who the hell would be at my house?

i set my laptop to the side and i rushed to my door, opening it. it was then when i saw her, drenched in rain water, while she shivered rapidly.

it was y/n, jawn's girlfriend.

"y/n, what are you doing here?" i asked her.

"j-jawn's out cheating again. i can't trust myself to be alone right now and you're the first person i thought of. can i p-please come in?" she responded. realizing that she had to be freezing, i moved out of the way so she could come in.

"yes, of course. come in, i'll grab you some towels and blankets."

my best friend didn't hide that he liked to cheat on his girlfriend. i always tried to think that jawn was still a good guy, set aside the fact that he left y/n home alone every saturday so he could get drunk and shack up with other girls. why y/n didn't leave him was beyond me. but, it wasn't my place to question their relationship, as it was none of my business. still, i felt a sort of pity for the pretty girl that was held back by my best friend's infidelity.

i grabbed some towels and tossed them to y/n.

"i'm gonna go grab some blankets. once you're dry enough you can sit on the couch and start something up on netflix if you want. do you want something hot like coffee? hot cocoa? tea?" i offered her anything that i could. i could hardly imagine how she was feeling and i just wanted to make her feel better.

"hot cocoa would be nice, thank you." she replied. i smiled.

"coming right up."

i grabbed some blankets from my closet and tossed them to her, then heading to the kitchen to make her some hot cocoa. i brewed some water and poured it into a cup, leaving just enough room for milk to cool it down. i added the cocoa packet and stirred it before adding the milk and making my way back to the living room.

i handed y/n the hot cocoa and then took a seat next to her. i looked at the tv to see that she turned on the office and chuckled a bit.

"good choice." i said. she shrugged.

"what can i say, it's a comfort show." she replied. "i could use some comfort right now."

"why do you put up with it?" i blurted out. i mentally cussed myself out at the lack of subtleness. real smooth.

"i- i really don't know." y/n admitted. "i can't even say i love him anymore, i don't. i'm just scared of what'll happen if i leave. i know him and i know what he's capable of."

she was right. jawn was used to getting his way. when he didn't, he got mad and threw a fit like a toddler. for all she knew, leaving jawn could start something neither of us knew was possible.

"you deserve better. you know that right?"

"i don't know. honestly, i probably deserve it. maybe there's something wrong with me."

my heart seemed to break at the words that left her mouth. she truly thought that jawn's monsterous actions were her fault. it was far from it.

"something wrong with you? y/n, that's preposterous. you're sweet and kind and you're absolutely beautiful. jawn's a piece of shit for abusing his power and he can burn in hell for all i care."

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