i wish i hated you.

573 5 25

word count: 1769
tw: language

"i need you to do me a favor and you're not gonna like it."

"well, that's one way to start a phone call." i said to my friend, jawn, after answering his call. he let out a small laugh.

"i'm hosting a party tonight and i need you to be here." jawn told me. i shrugged. party's were cool, why wouldn't i like it?

"okay, i'll obviously come. i don't know why you thought i wouldn't want to. anyways, what's the occasion?" i said.

"see that's where you're not gonna like it. i'm hosting a party for waterparks because they just released their first real album, double dare."

"ew awsten. no, i don't want to go."

the thing with awsten was i didn't like him. he was cocky, arrogant, and too full of himself to even be an enjoyable person to be around. awsten knew i didn't like him and he didn't like me either. we didn't get along in the slightest and rarely hung out with jawn if the other was there. this, of course, was not to jawn's liking.

"why can't the two of you get along? you're both my closest friends, i don't understand why you don't like each other."

"because awsten is-"

"that was rhetorical." jawn interrupted me. "i know why you don't like him. but if you just tried to get to know him you'd see that he's really a cool and funny guy."

"yeah, okay." i said, sarcastically, with a scoff.

"just come to the party, please. it would mean a lot to me."

i sighed in defeat. i was not going to win this battle.

"okay, i'll be there. but, what time?"

"starts at 7. i really appreciate you coming." jawn told me. i looked at the time. i sighed.

"jawn, it's 6:13. i have to finish this essay and turn it in or my professor is gonna drop me from his class. i'll probably be late." i told him.

"it's fine, it's fine. just show when you're ready. see you then?"

"yeah, i'll see you then."

i hung up and set my phone down, diverting my attention back to my computer. just had to finish the essay, turn it in, and then go to the party and deal with mine and awsten's shared hatred for each other.


time skip

i parked on jawn's street and started walking up to his house. it was already 7:43 and i was likely the last one to arrive. his driveway had tons of cars and there was nowhere in there for me to park. which, i expected.

i walked up to the front door and knocked three times. the door was opened by awsten and i internally groaned. his hair was freshly dyed blue, which was different to the last time i saw him. he actually looked kind of good, if he wasn't the biggest asshole on the planet.

did i just think he looked good? let's actually be sane.

"oh. it's you." awsten greeted me. i gave him he fakest smile.

"nice to see you too, dick." i pushed past him to get inside.

"my name isn't richard, just for the record." awsten followed me.

"when the fuck did i call you richard?"

"well, you called me dick. dick is short for richard. thought you should know my names awsten."

"i obviously know that, dumbass. i was calling you a dick. because you are one."

"y/n! you showed." jawn appeared, ending mine and awsten's bickering. behind him were geoff and otto, awsten's bandmates. they were cool.

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