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word count: 1009
tw: some angst

i loved my boyfriend awsten.

everything was perfect with him. it was like straight out of a book, you could say. we were almost hitting three years of being together and i was beginning to realize i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

"so, what do you think of the food?" awsten asked me. we were out having lunch and we decided to try a new sub place that opened up by our apartment complex.

"mmm, it's good. it definitely tops subway, that's for sure." i replied. awsten just chuckled.

"everything tops subway. subways lame." he told me.

"hey, i like subway." i scoffed.

"of course you do."

just then his phone vibrated. i went to look at it but he immediately flipped it over so that i couldn't see what it was. i wouldn't have worried but he had been doing that a lot lately. it was making me slightly suspicious.

"who was that?" i asked him, curiously. he just shook his head.

"it's unimportant. anyways, what do you want to do after this?" he replied, brushing it off completely.

"umm..." i thought for a moment, part of me still wondering if awsten was hiding something from me and if so, why? "we can go to the arcade if you want."

"sure! you okay, babe? you seem a little off."

man, he noticed everything. i knew i probably had no reason to worry. it could have really been nothing.

"yes, i'm fine. i think i just ate too much, you ready to go?"

"yeah, let's head to the arcade."

the two of us paid and then headed to the arcade. by then, i was fine and i wasn't worrying anymore. i was assured that it was just nothing and that he wasn't hiding anything.

of course, that was then.

two weeks later

two weeks passed and awsten seemed to just be getting more and more suspicious. it was freaking me out, to be completely honest. he was acting odd and slightly distant. that, and he refused to let me see any notification that popped up on his phone.

i tried to stay calm and not overthink, although i was a chronic overthinker. past relationships traumatized me deeply so it always left me to be an overthinker. but with awsten, it was different. he never gave me a reason to overthink or be anxious.

but now, i didn't know.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom, you should brainstorm where we should grab dinner tonight." awsten said, getting off the couch. right, it was date night. him and i had date night every wednesday. it was like a tradition we had since six months into our relationship.

when he left to use the bathroom, i noticed that he left his phone behind. i fought the impulsive urge to grab it and go through it. i felt like that would be too invasive to his privacy and i was better than that.

but, when it dinged i couldn't help it. i grabbed it quickly, and sat down.

💍: did you get the ring? it was supposed to ship today. show me if you did, i cant wait to see!

awsten always kept his contacts as emojis, and this one happened to be a ring. a ring. he was seeing another girl and they were already talking about marriage.

my heart shattered.

i scrolled the message and all of them were talking about the ring. she picked one out and everything. how could awsten hide this from me? it felt like my world was closing in on me.

"y/n? why do you have my phone in your hands?" i looked up, a couple tears spilling out of my eyes.

"y-you're cheating on me." i stated, pointing his phone at him so he could see that i saw the messages between him and whoever "💍" was. "how could you do this to me, aws? i'm- i'm just so confused."

"what? oh, sweetie, no, no, no." awsten said, taking the phone and sitting by me, wrapping his arms around me. i knew i should have shrugged him off, because it would hurt more when we broke up, but i couldn't.

"but, i saw the bought the're marrying her, i read it all." i cried.

"the ring- y/n, the ring isn't for her. did you read all the way up to the top?" awsten asked me, pulling away. i shook my head and he let out a light hearted laugh. "the ring was for you. i was going to propose to you."

"it what?" my jaw dropped and i froze. awsten stood up, taking a breath.

"okay, this is not how i wanted to do it but screw it i guess. the contact under the ring emoji was your sister. i named it that so i wouldn't forget that that was why i was texting her. i wanted her to help me pick the perfect ring so that i could propose to you." he then crouched down on one knee and just shook his head and smiled. "damn it, y/n, i want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"y-you do?" i asked, starting to tear up again. this time, however, it was of happiness. of course awsten wouldn't cheat on me. him and i were soulmates.

"of course i do, y/n. that's if you'll have me?" awsten proposed. my smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

"of course i'll marry you, aws. nothing would make me happier."

he swept me off the ground and held me in his arms as the two of us kissed. despite how i found out, the moment was just perfect to me. he was perfect to me.

"now, what do you say we take a trip to the post office?" awsten asked me. i gave him a confused look.

"how come?" i replied.

"might want to see if you like that ring that caused all this drama, after all."

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