brother's best friend (part two).

345 4 0

word count: 1748
tw: some angst, language

three months later

"happy birthday, dork. now you can legally drive." jawn said, pushing me playfully. i just smiled.

"lucky me, eh?" i laughed. "you invited awsten, right?"

"yeah, you told me i could, didn't you?" he replied. i nodded.

"of course. he's been around for so long, he's like my other big brother. it makes sense that i'd invite him to my sweet sixteen."

that was a massive lie. but, awsten and i still weren't ready to tell jawn that we were dating yet. we knew we had to soon, we had already been together for three months and had recently told each other we loved each other. we just didn't want to make things tense.

we knew jawn was going to be mad. but, he was the only one. we had already told our friends, him forcing his to keep it a secret from jawn. we had also told our parents, also begging them not to tell him. they understood why we weren't jumping at the idea of telling my older brother. for all we knew, it could jeopardize their friendship.

"he should be here shortly, as should most of the guests." jawn informed me. i nodded. "want help finishing setting up?"

"yes, please." i replied.

we were holding my 16th birthday at the fire station. it just made sense because there was a lot of space and we were allowed to because mine and jawn's dad was chief of the station. i invited all of my close family and friends, along with their families as well. awsten was coming along with his family, his little sister adored me and i found it cute.

the party started at noon and it was 11:30. we just had to set out food and fix a few more decorations and then it'd be ready. we did all of that and eventually it was a few minutes past twelve and people were starting to arrive.

"y/n! happy birthday, sweetheart." i turned around to see who was calling me and i saw my grandma who was walking in with my grandpa. i smiled and opened my arms, engulfing her in a huge hug.

"thank you, grandma." i thanked her. "i'm so glad you guys could make it."

"what are you, six years old now?" my grandpa laughed. i just smiled and shook my head.

"sixteen now, gramps." i corrected him, although i knew he was messing around.

"wow, you're almost an adult. you better not be messing with any boys now."

"allen, leave her be. y/n is responsible." my grandma butted in. my grandpa just rested his hand on the small of her back.

"oh, i know that. i was just playing around. now come on, let's find a place to put these presents." he said. the two of them walked to the present table and i went to greet the next guests.

a few guests arrived and i greeted them. eventually, and finally must i say since i was waiting impatiently, awsten and his family arrived. jawn ran to his best friend, both of them laughing and bro hugging. i just laughed and shook my head as i walked their way.

"hey, happy birthday, y/n!" awsten said. he had given me my birthday present the day previous, which was a bracelet with a few charms that represented me. it was adorable and i was actually wearing it that day. he gave it to me the day previous so that jawn wasn't suspicious.

"thank you, aws!" i thanked him. i then greeted his mom, dad, and sister, all three of them greeting me and wishing me a happy birthday.

"you look gorgeous as always, by the way." awsten whispered in my ear as he leaned down and pretended to remove a piece of fuzz from my hair. i tried desperately to hide my blush as i excused myself to mingle with other guests.

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