safe place.

488 5 0

word count: 765
tw: slight angst

i sat down on the couch and let out a shaky breath as i put my head in my hands.

i was not having a good day. i was seven months pregnant and my stomach was getting in the way of everything, making even the smallest tasks hard. not to mention my back was killing me and my hormones were making me want to break down over every small inconvenience.

the fact that i had two more months to go and it could only get worse made me break down into tears. i wished awsten was home to take care of me but he had been having to stay at the studio with his bandmates pretty late every night.

as if on que, my wishes were granted and awsten walked through the front door. i was surprised, as it was only 6 pm. he was home early.

"baby, i'm home- y/n? what's wrong, why are you crying?" awsten saw that i was crying and he rushed to my side, sitting next to me. i took a deep breath and just wiped my tears.

"i-i'm fine, i swear." i lied. awsten moved a piece of hair from my face and shook his head.

"you and i both know that's not true. talk to me, baby, i'm here for you." my boyfriend said.

"it's just getting so difficult being pregnant. even the smallest tasks are taking a toll on me and i'm so emotional and i still have another two months left like this and i just can't take it."

"i'm so sorry, honey. come here."

awsten opened his arms for me and pulled me into a hug, me nuzzling my head in his neck. he rubbed my back while i took deep breaths and tried to calm myself. awsten was always so compassionate and caring, that's why i had been in love with him since we were in highschool.

"i think i know something that'll cheer you up." awsten said. i pulled away and looked at him, curiously. "just let me go grab my guitar."

awsten disappeared to the basement (that was where he practiced his music) and came back up with his acoustic guitar. he sat on the floor in front of me and there was a big smile on his face.

"now, i was gonna wait until this song was finished to show you, but i'm really excited for it and i think having you hear it would cheer you up a bit. out of all the songs i've ever written for you, this is definitely my favorite so far." awsten said. i covered my mouth as a smile took over my face.

"you wrote me an acoustic song?" i gushed. awsten nodded as his smile grew bigger.

"this is called lucky people."

happy birthday, merry christmas to the one i call my mrs. i'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen that say it all.

i know you said to mind my business, but cupid sent me on a mission that's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call.

let's be lucky people, you and me.

as awsten strummed his guitar and sang, i couldn't help but start to cry again. but, it was happy tears this time. it always warmed my heart when he sang to me, especially when he was singing to me about me.

my hour glass in your hands. you've got my time, you are my plans. let's keep each other safe from the world.

because i know it's hard to let yourself be fine. but, we carry 'round our worried flurried minds.

but, ill let go if you do too.

"that's all i have for now, but judging by your tears and the smile on your face, i take it you might like it?" awsten asked me. i ran to him and engulfed him into another hug.

"i love you so much. it was beautiful." i whispered.

"well, beautiful people deserve beautiful things, my love." he told me. i just held him tighter.

"how did i get so lucky with you, awsten knight?" i asked him.

"trust me, i'm the lucky one."

"well, you said it yourself, maybe we're just lucky people."

it was true. we were lucky people. i felt lucky to have awsten and he felt lucky to have me.

awsten was my safe place. my home. as long as i was with him, all of my troubles vanished and he made me feel like everything would be okay.

i was so happy to be having his baby.

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