
508 5 9

word count: 911
tw: angst, cheating, language

a/n: before you read this, please note that none of this is even slightly a dig on geoff. i love geoff very much but for this imagine he's portrayed as a terrible person. just remember that it's purely fiction.

i walked towards geoff's dressing room with a smile across my face. i was excited. i wasn't supposed to join him and his band on tour for another week due to work but i wanted to surprise him.

when i asked awsten where he was he told me that geoff was just hanging out in the dressing room and that he'd be happy to see me.

so, of course, i was stunned when i opened the dressing room door.

i saw geoff making out with some woman who i had never seen before. she was tall and blonde. it took him a solid fifteen seconds to realize i was there.

"y/n! this isn't what it looks like!" geoff exclaimed, pushing the blonde off his lap. i gulped as i fought tears. i couldn't just walk away immediately. he had to hear the worst of it.

"are you fucking kidding me?! please be serious, you aren't seriously trying to pull the 'it's not what it looks like'! it's exactly what it looks like, you're sucking face with some girl when you're literally dating me!" i yelled. i looked at the blonde and she just stood there, guilty. she knew exactly who i was.

"i'm sorry! i am! i love you so much, but it gets so lonely without you. you weren't supposed to be with us for another week."

"a week! one week, geoff! you couldn't have waited for just one more week?!"

"and you couldn't either?!"

"i wanted to surprise you! i missed you and i wanted to surprise you like the good girlfriend i am! or was. you can just fucking forget me since you already decided you would when i'm not physically present."

"i promise, i'll never do it again! i'm sorry! i love you, don't go!" geoff pleaded for me to stay. but, i wasn't stupid. as much as my heart wanted to forgive him, i knew better.

"what the hell is going on?! i can hear you guys yelling down the hall!" awsten entered the room. he looked at geoff, the blonde, and i before he realized.

"i was just leaving." i said, oddly calm. i looked back at geoff. "lose my number. don't ever try to reach me again. i'll be out of your apartment before you get back, that's a promise."

i stormed out of the dressing room as my thoughts started to race fast. what was i going to do? my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me. i lived with him in his apartment in LA. i didn't have anyone else in LA. how was i supposed to find an apartment in los angeles within a month before he returned?

"y/n, wait up!" i prepared to walk faster when i realized it was just awsten. i slowed down for him to catch up. even though he was geoff's best friend and band mate, he was my friend too.

"i'm so sorry! i promise you, i had absolutely no idea he was cheating on you." awsten apologized.

"it's okay. it's not your fault, it's his." i replied. he shook his head.

"no. no y/n, don't say it's okay. what he did is a shitty thing and i honestly want to just kick his ass. i would if we didn't have a band together."

"you don't need to do that, trust me. he's your best friend. i wouldn't want there to be any tension because i wasn't worthy enough for geoff to stay loyal."

"don't say that. you're worthy, i promise." awsten assured me. i gave him a small smile. he really didn't have to be saying any of it. he was just a sweet guy. "hey, if you need somewhere to stay you can move your things into my house and stay there as long as you need. i know you want to get out of geoff's apartment before we get back from tour. i can make sure he doesn't come to mine at all while you're living with me also."

"awsten, i promise you you don't have to do that. i can figure things out within a month...i think." i told the sweet man in front of me. he shook his head.

"i insist. you're not just geoff's gir- ex girlfriend. you're my friend too. friends help each other. i can tell you where the spare key is and you can use it as your own to get in and out."

i contemplated my decisions. what awsten was offering was extremely sweet. i was just extremely conflicted. i didn't know what to think. what was i supposed to think when something like that happened in my life?

"you promise it wouldn't be an inconvenience to you?" i asked him. he shook his head.

"not in the slightest." he assured me.

he told me where i could find the spare key and wished me luck on my way home. he told me i could start moving my stuff into his house at any time and that i could facetime him whenever i needed, as long as they weren't performing.

with that, i booked a hotel and a train ticket back to LA.

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