late night.

729 10 2

word count: 1339
tw: none

i turned again and looked at the clock. 2:47 am. i had been trying to sleep for three hours now, and i was still tossing and turning. my thoughts were not calming down and it was making it impossible to fall asleep.

i finally sat up. i looked at my fiancé, awsten. he was sleeping peacefully, his blue hair messy and in his eyes. i smiled at him. at least one of us would be able to get some sleep.

i quietly got out of bed. i tip-toed out of our bedroom and into our kitchen. i then had a rather spontaneous idea.

i climbed onto the counter and laid on it, staring at the ceiling. it was something i had always thought about doing, in all honesty. since i couldn't sleep, and nobody else was awake, i just did it.

a part of me wanted to wake up awsten because i didn't want to be awake alone. but that wasn't fair to him. he had been working his ass off trying to write his band's next album, he needed the sleep.

i was so proud of him. i know the album was mentally straining him. putting himself back in a headspace that he didn't want to be in, so that he could put it into a song that the fans would love. there was often times when i would tell him that he needed a break but he would tell me that he was fine and he just needed the album to be done.

i looked at the clock on the stove and i watched as it turned to 3 am. i needed sleep. why couldn't i just close my eyes and fall into unconsciousness? i hated it.

"y/n? what are you doing?" i turned my head to see awsten walking into the kitchen. i then sat up and sighed.

"can't sleep. why are you awake, love?" i replied. he walked over to the counter and sat next to me on it.

"nightmare. i was looking for you and you weren't next to me. so i came out here looking for you."

"oh baby, i'm sorry. do you want to talk about it?"

"i just dreamt that geoff, otto, and i lost everything and all the fans left us and then you decided that i was pathetic so you left me too. i don't think i can sleep for a while after that." awsten said, leaning his head on my shoulder. i frowned.

"honey, you know i would never leave you. especially if something like that happened. i'm here thick and thin. whether you lose everything, which you won't, or you make it huge in the industry, which you someday will. i have faith in you and i love you." i promised my soon to be husband.

"i love you so much. i knew there was a good reason i asked you to marry me." awsten said, gently rubbing his thumb across the wedding ring that dressed my left ring finger.

"and i knew there was a good reason that i said yes. just four more months now."

"i can't wait. i'm gonna marry you so hard."

i giggled at awsten's humor. if i didn't fall for awsten's cleverness and sweetness, i definitely fell for his humor. he always knew how to crack me up no matter what.

"well, since neither of us can sleep, let's do something." i said.

"like what?" he asked me. i thought for a second. then i had an idea.

"let's bake brownies!" i decided. awsten chuckled.

"at 3 am?"

"you got a better idea?"

"nope. we might as well listen to music as well then."

awsten ran upstairs to grab our speaker, while i grabbed brownie mix out of the cupboard. he then walked back in, powering the speaker on.

"what kind of music are you down for right now?" awsten asked me. i smiled.

"shuffle our playlist." i said.

"always a good idea." he agreed. awsten shuffled our playlist and it began to play songs that we both enjoyed together.

"alright, what do we need for brownies?" awsten asked me. i looked at the box.

"2 eggs, 1/4 cup of water, and 2/3 cup of vegetable oil."

awsten got out those three things and put them on the counter. i poured the brownie mix into a big bowl, as we began to put the other things in as well. i cracked the eggs and put them in, while awsten poured the water and vegetable oil in. once everything was in together, i began to mix.

"when you're done and you pour it in the bowl, can i lick the mixer?" awsten asked me. i giggled.

"awsten knight, you are such a child." i said.

"but that wasn't a no." he pointed out. i simply shook my head and began to pour the brownie mix into the pan. i made sure to scrape it real good and then i handed the bowl and mixer to awsten.

"have at it, aws." i said.

"you're the best fiancé ever." he told me, kissing my cheek.

"i know." i replied, putting the brownies in the oven. they had to bake for 25 minutes before we could take them out. after putting them in, i pulled myself onto the counter again.

just then, lovers rock by tv girl came on. this was one of mine and awsten's favorite songs, which we agreed we would have our first dance to at our wedding. awsten wiped his mouth and set the bowl and mixer in the sink.

"dance with me." awsten said to me.

"babe, you know i can't dance." i reminded him.

"yeah, but we ought to practice since we're dancing to this at the wedding."

i jumped off the counter, as i knew he was right. i rested my hands on his shoulders and he rested his on my waist. we slowly swayed to the music.

"see, you're not bad." awsten told me. i just shook my head.

"until i accidentally step on your feet." i said.

"you step on mine, i'll step on yours. fair?"


i was kind of glad awsten woke up. it was times like these that i really cherished. although i normally went on tour with him, we didn't get too many moments like these. they were special to me.

"but if you're too drunk to drive and the music is right she might let you stay." awsten sang to me. i loved when he sang to me.

"aws, when did you realize you wanted to marry me?" i asked awsten. he smiled.

"you want my honest answer?" he asked me. i nodded.

"remember when i passed out on stage and i hit my head and got a really shitty concussion?"

"of course, how could i forget? i was worried sick."

"they rushed me to the hospital and the second i got out of surgery you demanded to see me, even though it wasn't visiting hours. you didn't stop until they let you see that i was alright. that was when. from that night, i immediately started saving for your ring."

i smiled as i remembered that night vividly. i stayed in that ER waiting room the entire night, even after they told me to go home and get some sleep. i needed him to be safe before i could ever even think about getting sleep.

"i can't wait to be yours forever, aws. i can't wait to tour every part of the world with you, support you at every single concert until you retire, and be there for you until we're old and our bones are frail."

"i love you more than life itself, y/n l/n." awsten promised me.

"and i love you just as much, awsten knight." i promised back.

i pressed my lips against his and kissed him with passion. but we were soon startled by a loud beeping sound.

"looks like the brownies are done."

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