it takes two to tango.

676 4 6

word count: 1234
tw: slight angst, accidental pregnancy, mentions of sex, language

a/n: it's not an imagines book without a cliché accidental pregnancy imagine eh?

"i just don't get geometry. how the fuck am i supposed to prove this is a triangle? just look at it." awsten grumbled. i laughed at my boyfriend's frustration.

"come on, let's just study for a few more minutes and then we can have us time." i said to him. his face lit up.

"i love us time!" he enthused. i laughed at him again, as he diverted his attention back to our math books. if there was something i loved about awsten, it was definitely his ability to make me laugh.

"oh man..." i said, feeling my face heat up. i then ran to my trash can in the corner of my room and threw up. i retched multiple times to the point where i felt like i was turning inside out. when i finished, i sat against the wall and groaned.

"god damn." i cussed. i had been throwing up so much lately that i was beginning to wonder if something was wrong with me.

"damn, y/n. are you sure you don't have the bug?" awsten asked me. i shook my head.

"no because when i have the stomach bug i usually feel like this constantly and it only lasts for about two days. this just hits me randomly and has been going on for about what, four days now?" i stated. my boyfriend shrugged.

"strange. it sounds like the stomach bug or..." awsten's eyes widened as he sat up. "you're still on the pill right?"

"of course i am. if i stopped i obviously would have told you, babe." i told him. he seemed relieved.

"okay, okay, because last time we...yknow...we didn't use protection because i was out of condoms." he reminded me. i nodded and sat back on the bed with him.

"we have nothing to worry about, aws. i'm on birth control, i can't be pregnant. now, let's get back to studying."

time skip

i was scrolling through twitter when my alarm went off. it was 6 pm, which meant it was time to take the pill. i went into my nightstand and grabbed my pill pack.

but i noticed something. it was wednesday. my pill packet had it so that i was about to take tuesday's pill.

meaning that i, not realizing, missed a night at some point.

and what were the odds that it was the night we didn't have protection?

whether the odds were slim or high, i knew i couldn't chance it. a sickening feeling set in my stomach as i realized i had to take a pregnancy test. i went to my desk and grabbed my keys, slipping on my converse.

"where are you going?" my dad asked me when i came out to the kitchen.

"i uhm...have to go grab pads." i lied. i knew he wouldn't be able to argue with that. my mom passed when i was six, so when it came to feminine care, i mostly had to take care of it myself.

i quickly drove myself to the nearest gas station, which was thankfully just around the block. i walked around looking for a test and thankfully found one. i went up to the front and set it on the counter.

the person cashing me out was a lady who probably had to be about in her forties. she gave me a dirty look which made me feel terrible.

"aren't you a bit young to be having to buy one of these, young lady?" the cashier asked me. i scrunched up my eyebrows.

"that's a bit of an invasive question." i said. she just sighed.

"i'm just saying that young girls should be focusing on school, not getting knocked up by teenage boys."

who the fuck did this bitch think she was?

"for one thing, you don't even know if it's for me. another thing, even if it is for me, you don't know if it's going to come back positive. also, you don't even know how old i am. i could be an adult that you're bashing right now. and, i do focus on school work, thank you very much. if i'm pregnant i will still focus on school work and finish school, not that that's any of your business. now if you don't mind, can you please scan this stupid pink box so i can pay for it and go home?"

the cashier looked at me for a solid second before scanning the pregnancy test.

"$4.89." she said. i tossed her a five dollar bill and grabbed the box, telling her to keep the change. i angrily walked out and got in my car.

a wave of sadness hit me as i realized that was how it was going to be if i was in fact a pregnant teenager. people were going to look down on me and see that i made a big mistake. nobody was going to ever take me seriously.

when i got home, i shoved the test in my jacket and walked inside. my dad was still in the kitchen, this time fixing an old guitar. my dad loved guitars and knew all about them. that was one of reasons that he got along with awsten.

oh he was probably going to kill awsten if i was pregnant.

"didn't have any pads?" my dad questioned. pads? oh!

"i forgot money at home and then remembered i have some pads in my book bag. i'll just grab some tomorrow." i lied again. i hated lying to my dad. we had such a good relationship. but, it was for the best at the time.

"oh, alright then." he said.

i made my way upstairs and into the bathroom that came off my room. i thankfully had to pee, so i didn't have to worry about waiting. the instructions said to pee on the stick and the results would appear in three minutes.

i did my business and then set the stick on the counter. i then walked back into my room, not wanting to watch the results come through. it would just make me feel worse.

i sat on my bed and looked at the time. 6:29. i could check the test at 6:32. a million thoughts swarmed my head and made me feel dizzy.

what would happen if i was pregnant? i would want to keep it, yes. and i would still want to finish my last two years of high school.

what about awsten? would he want to stay, or would he leave me? i mean, it's not like i expected him to put his entire life on hold for a kid. we were only 17.

but if i was going to do this, i needed him. i couldn't survive as a single mom. i just couldn't.

i looked at my phone. i watched as it turned to 6:32. so, i stood up.

i walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. whatever that stick showed, held the fate of my life. it could either change it, or it would do nothing and i could go on like nothing ever happened.

but of course, when i looked at that stupid stick it showed me a dark pink plus sign.

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