you're mine.

994 8 4

word count: 939
tw: a bit of angst, small argument, language

when the concert ended, awsten and i began to make our way backstage.

"i can't believe you got us backstage passes. i'm so excited." i said. awsten just chuckled.

"i told you already, tyler is an old friend of mine. i know twenty one pilots is your favorite band, well besides mine, so i figured this would mean a lot to you." he replied. we arrived at the dressing room door and before he knocked, i gave awsten a quick kiss on the cheek.

"it does. thank you."

awsten knocked on the dressing room door and it was almost immediately opened by tyler joseph. the fangirl in me almost screamed when i came face to face with him.

"awsten, hey! and you must be, y/n. it's a pleasure to meet you." tyler greeted us. i smiled.

"th-the pleasure is mine." i replied. tyler let us inside and i saw josh sitting on the couch.

"hey! you guys must be tyler's friend and his friend's girlfriend." josh greeted us. tyler nodded.

"yeah, that's awsten and y/n." tyler confirmed. awsten shook hands with josh and i just gave him a shy wave. the fangirl in me was absolutely dying and i almost felt like i was dreaming.

"did you guys enjoy the show?" josh asked.

"yeah, you guys did good!" awsten replied.

"i absolutely loved it." i added.

"what's your favorite song we played, y/n?" tyler asked me specifically, for some reason.

"probably trees. i've always wanted to hold you up for trees, so tonight when i did it was like a dream i've had since i was a teenager finally came true."

"yeah, i saw you down there. honestly, if you weren't here with this guy, i probably would've tried to find you to get your number."

okay then!

"oh that's uhm, that's very sweet of you." i said, nervously. i had no idea how else to reply to him.

"i mean awsten said you were pretty, but i didn't realize he wasn't kidding." tyler said. i then felt awsten grab my hand and squeeze it lightly. he was uncomfortable.

"prettiest girl in the world right here. all mine." awsten stated. i just smiled.

"okay then!" josh finally spoke again. "y/n, would you like a picture with tyler and i? its getting late and i'm sure you and awsten have to get home soon."

"yeah, that'd be great!" i enthused.

i got a selfie with tyler and josh. tyler wrapped his arm around me and josh stood next to us as i took the selfie. when i looked back up at awsten, i could tell he was unhappy.

"okay, y/n, i think we should get going now." awsten said. i nodded as i looked back at two of my idols.

"it was very nice to meet both of you but he's right, it's getting late." i told tyler and josh. they both nodded, understandingly.

"thank you for coming, both of you." josh said to us.

"yeah, i hope to see you guys again." tyler added, looking at me. awsten and i waved, making our way out of the dressing room.

awsten practically dragged me to the parking lot, as he was walking so fast. i realized then he wasn't just unhappy. he was mad.

"what is your problem?" i asked my boyfriend in the middle of the parking lot, stopping. he gave me a look that said "are you serious?"

"my problem? really, y/n, you think i'm stupid?" awsten asked me.

"no, i don't. you just seem pissed off and i don't know why." i said.

"of course i'm fucking pissed off. you and tyler were all over each other. i'm surprised you didn't just fuck him right then and there."

"what are you even talking about? i didn't flirt with him once."

"don't try to lie to me, i was there. 'oh i've always wanted to hold you up for trees.' and even he was like 'if you weren't dating awsten i totally would've tried to get with you.' 'oh man he said you were pretty but i didn't realize how pretty you'd be.' and the way he was holding you in that stupid fucking selfie. it was like you had completely forgotten about me. like i didn't matter. it was like you were..."

awsten trailed off at the end and i realized why he was so upset. how could i have been so stupid?

"awsten, i'm sorry i made you feel that way. i know him flirting with me made you uncomfortable and i swear on my everything that i wasn't trying to flirt back." i said to my boyfriend, walking closer to him. "i know what she did to you, and how she hurt you. but i promise i am nothing like her. you're everything to me, and no person, not even idols i've looked up to since i was a teenager, can take me away from you. because i love you. i'm yours, awsten."

awsten walked closer to me. he gave me a small smile.

"you're right. you're mine." he said, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. our lips collided and moved together in sync.

his lips trailed down my neck, sucking small spots, including my sweet spot. i knew he was leaving hickeys, but i didn't care. i was his. he was mine. i didn't care if the entire world knew about it.

awsten eventually pulled away and admired his art work. he kissed my forehead and took my hand.

"okay. let's go home, baby."

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