the boy next door.

388 6 1

word count: 1190
tw: none

after school, i ran to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. i sat by my bedroom window and looked across. it was there, where i saw him, waiting for me.

this was our drill. every day for the past month and a half, the boy next door and i would sit in our rooms (which coincidentally had windows that were parallel to each other) and write messages to each other on our white boards. well, i used a white board, he used a piece of paper.

we got to know each other pretty well by doing that. however, it was the only time we ever communicated. he didn't go to my school because he was home schooled and when we saw each other going into our houses occasionally, we would just awkwardly smile and wave. i don't know why either of us never said hi. we basically knew everything about each other.

his name was awsten. he was 16 and he lived with his mom, ginny, his dad, roscoe, and his little sister gracie. he wrote songs and played guitar and from what messages he'd show me, he had a pretty good sense of humor. i formed a little bit of a crush on him but of course i never told him that.

i knew we could have just given each other our numbers or just hung out if we wanted to but it was more interesting this way. it kind of reminded me of that one taylor swift music video. when i told him that, i watched him laugh and then he told me that "tay tay is so slay!" what a cornball.

we told our families about our drill and they always urged us to just talk to each other like normal people. we told each other that one day we'd make time to hang out but we were both a little shy when it came to in person interaction, so we just stuck to the window communication. that was, until that day.

"hi." i wrote to awsten, pressing the white board against the glass. it took him a few moments but eventually he wrote back.

"hey." he wrote. i smiled.

"it's supposed to rain today. i don't know how much time we're gonna have to write messages back and forth like this." i wrote. he wrote back:

"yeah i know. we can just do it later if you want."

"or you can come outside and play in the rain with me."

"you said you're 15 right?"

when he showed the message he gave me a look that basically said "isn't that childish?" i giggled as i wrote back.

"i like to play in the rain when it's warm. don't judge me."

"i'll meet you out there."

"like, actually?"

i didn't think he'd actually want to meet me face to face. but, i was intrigued.

"we've been doing this for almost two months, of course i want to actually meet you lol."

i smiled.

"i'll believe that when i see you outside."

as if on cue, i looked at the window and there was drops forming on the class. i smirked as i sat the white board down and ran downstairs.

"y/n, what are you doing?" my mom asked me. i giggled.

"i'm gonna go play in the rain with awsten." i told her. she laughed.

"you're finally gonna meet this boy but in the rain? you're crazy." she said.

"i know you and his mom are gonna laugh at us together but i don't care. have towels ready, love you!"

my mom and awsten's mom were already acquainted and practically friends and they always laughed about how we refused to meet each other face to face. well, until now.

i went outside and stood on the sidewalk, it starting to rain harder. it was nice and warm outside and i loved it. the best temperature to play in rain in.

awsten walked outside, coming to join me as i spun in circles in the pouring rain.

"you're crazy, you know that?" he said to me. i just laughed.

"so, those are your first actual spoken words to me?" i asked him. he just shrugged as we danced together and jumped in the small puddles.

"i'm glad you convinced me to come outside and actually hang out with you." awsten told me. i smiled.

"me too. i've been wanting to actually meet you for a while. i think you're cool, neighbor."

"so, the pretty girl next door who i write messages back and forth to from our windows thinks i'm cool. i'm winning at life, i swear."

i blushed as i continued dancing in the rain, not wanting him to see that i was turning bright red at him calling me pretty. of course, he saw it anyways.

"are you blushing?" he asked me, smiling.

"uh, no, i'm cold." i lied. awsten laughed.

"y/n, it's 80 degrees out, there's no way you're cold." he pointed out.

"okay, maybe i am. i also might have a crush on you. no biggie!"

awsten stopped dancing at my confession and i got scared. i didn't mean to say all that but it was out now so if he wanted out then he could go inside and close his curtains. but, he didn't.

"you like me too?" he asked me. i smiled at the word 'too'.

"too?" i questioned. he smiled back at me.

"i've liked you since the moment i saw you staring at me from your room. even though i jokingly asked you if you were a peeping tom." awsten laughed. i laughed with him.

"yeah, i've liked you since you starting hitting me with random dad jokes."

"my dad jokes attracted you? and i thought they were gonna scare you away."

we laughed again and i realized how much i laughed with this boy. i liked it.

"so, we like each other. what happens next?" i asked him. he smirked.

"maybe this," he said. he walked towards me and put his hands on my waist, leaning in and kissing me in the rain. how cliché. oh who was i kidding? i loved clichés.

"okay, i liked that. you should do it again." i said after he pulled away.

awsten and i kissed again, both of us smiling against the kiss. i was sure our mothers were stalking us from our houses, cheering us on. awsten was my first kiss, and i couldn't have been happier about how it happened.

"wanna head inside? i am actually getting cold now." i asked awsten, giggling. we agreed to head to my house, since it was closer (even if it was only closer by a few feet). we went inside and dried off, my mother talking about how she saw everything that happened, which turned awsten and i into blushing messes.

i looked at awsten from across the kitchen table. he smiled at me and i smiled back. what came next for us? i didn't know. but, there was one thing i did know.

now he was more than just the boy next door.

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