fate (final part).

301 6 7

word count: 1122
tw: angst, mentions of cheating, arguing, language

five months later

"are you sure you want to do this?" awsten asked me. i nodded.

"it's time. we can't hide our relationship forever. we've waited long enough." i assured him. he took a deep breath and let it out.

"okay." he said, pressing the post button.

the post was a picture of him and i with frosting on our faces and him kissing my cheek from when we made cupcakes a couple months back and it got messy. below, awsten put a caption that explained a bit.

"this girl right here is my forever. sure, our relationship had a rather complicated upbringing but i wouldn't want to be with anyone else. i love her."

awsten turned his comments off and i deleted all my old social medias and made new ones, privating them so that only my family and friends can follow. i knew a lot of hate was coming and i needed to be prepared.

"now we wait." awsten said, wrapping his arm around me.

"he's gonna be pissed." i frowned. awsten rubbed my thigh, reassuringly.

"i know. but it's okay. we can deal with him."

almost immediately after he finished that sentence, awsten's phone rang. it was geoff. as expected.

awsten's pov

i took a deep breath and answered my phone.

"hello?" i answered.

"is this some kind of fucking sick joke?" geoff angrily asked. i sighed.

"no, it's not. when you cheated on her, i let her stay with me until she found a place. instead we just decided to become roommates and we fell in love. it just kinda happened."

"so that's why i haven't been able to come to your house?! because you're fucking my ex?!"

"you're no fucking victim! at least i didn't make any moves until you guys were broken up! do you have any idea how much you hurt her?! she would facetime me in the middle of the night in tears because she would have flashbacks in her sleep that would wake her up!!"

"yeah, she loves me not you! why are you even trying, do you hear yourself? you're just filling the space until she realizes she belongs with me no matter how much we go through."

"loved you! past tense. you couldn't keep your dick in your pants and you lost her so she fell in love with me. that's not my fault."

"yeah, for all i know maybe you guys were just fucking behind my back. maybe i'm not the villain, maybe we both are."

"geoff, are you fucking delusional?! like actually?!" i got tired of hearing his mindset. i had never actually realized how shitty of a person he truly and honestly was. so i made a choice. "fuck it, you're out of the band. i fucking mean it."

"excuse me?! are you being serious?!" geoff growled.

"yes, i'm being fucking serious! we have an audience, geoff. we influence these people. i don't want a toxic, delusional, cheater in my band. not when our audience is literal teens."

"well, fuck you!"

geoff then hung up and i turned around. y/n was standing in the doorway, tears running down her face. i frowned.

your pov

i just fucking split waterparks.

"y/n, no, don't cry, baby." awsten opened his arms to me while tears slipped down my face. i'm the reason why geoff wigington was kicked out of waterparks.

"it's all my fault. it's all my fault, the fans are gonna be so upset. it's all my fault." i sobbed. awsten softened my hair.

"sweetheart , it's not your fault. i promise you. geoff is just a shitty person. it's my fault for not realizing in the first place." he assured me.

"it's not gonna be the same, just you and otto. the fans are gonna be so mad. not even at you, at me. they're gonna kill me."

"i won't let them touch you. it's gonna be okay, i promise. i love you so much."

"i love you too...so so much."

awsten wiped my tears from my face and gave me a smile.

"we should watch a movie and eat some popcorn. and cuddle too." he said to me. i gave him a weak smile.

"yeah, that sounds nice. i'll pick the movie, you make the popcorn." i agreed. he nodded and walked out to the kitchen while i walked out to the living room.

one month later

"i just can't do it!" i cried. "i can't escape them. they won't stop, aws, i can't take it!"

i dropped my phone on his lap so he could read the most recent tweet that sent me into hysterics.

"just another reminder to everyone that y/n is a cheating whore and is the sole reason why waterparks is only awsten and otto now. and a special fuck you to awsten for letting it happen. i'm ashamed."

awsten simply sent the tweet to himself and opened his twitter on his phone.

"what are you doing?" i asked him.

"giving them the truth so maybe they'll shut the fuck up and mind their own business for once." he replied. i watched as he typed out a reply to the person.

"first of all, who the fuck are you? you think you know the whole story but you're far from it, pal. y/n is not a cheating whore. in fact, if you gonna call anyone a cheating whore just look at our ex guitarist. he cheated on her, she didn't cheat on him. we didn't even start dating until six months after they broke up. you should be grateful geoff isn't in this band anymore. do you really want a guitarist who cheats on his girlfriend? because i sure fucking don't."

given the text was too long, awsten screenshotted it and quote tweeted the person with the screenshot. he then set his phone down and looked at me.

"if they don't calm down after that, i'll tweet another thing telling them to fuck off. but, i think you'll be okay now. geoff just might not be. but who cares about him anyways?" he said to me. i gave him a small smile.

"thank you, aws, for everything. you mean so much to me." i replied to him. he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"of course, y/n. i love you more than anything on this planet. i'd do anything for you."

i wrapped my arms around him and he laid back so that we were cuddling. i laid my head on his chest while he softened my hair.

i truly did think it was fate, awsten and i ending up together. i wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

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