soggy cereal.

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word count: 857
tw: none

"it's already the last show of tour." awsten said with a frown. i sighed.

"yeah, but we had fun opening for you guys and releasing 'almost cared'. it was an amazing ten months and maybe we can all meet up sometime and hang out when our schedules align." i replied. he smiled.

"yeah, i'm sure we can. i'm just really gonna miss you guys. especially you, y/n."

i blushed at his words. my band, soggy cereal, had featured on awsten's band, waterparks's song, 'almost cared' and that night was the last night of their tour.

now i know you're wondering, who the hell names their band "soggy cereal"? the band just consisted of me and my best friend, rose, who was my drummer. when we were trying to find a name for our band we were eating cereal for breakfast and our cereal got soggy while we were pondering a band name. jokingly, she said we should name our band "soggy cereal" which we actually ended up doing.

during the ten months of making a song with waterparks, releasing it, and touring with them, i ended up catching feelings for awsten. we just bonded really well. not to mention how ridiculously funny and cute he was. rose constantly told me that i should tell him but i didn't think he could feel the same way.

"we're really gonna miss you too. we'll keep in touch though." i said to the colorful haired boy. he nodded.

"for sure. you should probably head to the pit and find rose. we're going on in like ten minutes." he told me. i nodded and gave him a quick hug.

"good luck! tell geoff and otto i said good luck too!" i said and then walked away. i headed down to the pit and surely enough i found rose chilling in the back.

"where the hell were you? i was about to send a search party after you." she asked me. i laughed.

"chill out, i was just wishing awsten good luck before he went on." i informed her. rose smirked.

"did you finally tell him how you feel?" she asked. i nudged her.

"no! and i'm not going to. there's no way he feels the same way."

"well i think you're wrong. i see how you two are with each other. he definitely feels the same way."

"even if he does- he doesn't. just stop, rose."

"if you say so." rose just said, her tone slightly suggestive. i just shrugged and watched as awsten, geoff, and otto entered the room. everyone cheered for them, rose and i joining in.

they opened with their song, greatest hits, and from then the concert went on. occasionally, awsten would stop to crack jokes and read signs which was always hilarious. the show went amazing but it was just a bit sad that it was the last one.

after the last song, awsten made everyone go silent and said that he had one more thing planned.

"have you guys seen, y/n? can you have her come up here?" he asked the crowd. i looked at rose and gave her a questioning look and she just shrugged. she had no idea what was going on either.

i made my way up and everyone cleared the way for me. i was extremely confused. what did they have planned? why didn't they tell me?

i made my way on stage and awsten handed me one of the microphones.

"hi, y/n." he greeted me. i smiled.

"hey, awsten. what's up?" i asked him. he took a deep breath.

"so, i've really really enjoyed getting to know you by making 'almost cared' and releasing it and touring together, and i honestly think you're the prettiest and funniest person i've ever met. so, i decided that i would risk it all and stand in front of everyone and ask you if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" awsten proposed. i felt my face turn beet red. was this actually happening? was awsten knight really asking me to be his in front of all these people? i could barely believe it.

"yes! of course i'll be your girlfriend!" i replied. just then, everyone cheered for us and awsten let out the most relieved sigh i've ever heard.

"she said yes!" he exclaimed. everyone cheered louder and awsten got closer to me.

he pulled me into an earth shattering kiss and i nearly dropped my microphone. the kiss was something that i had craved for months and now that it was finally happening, i almost felt like i could cry. awsten eventually pulled away but wrapped his arm around me as he turned to the crowd.

"thank you all for coming and thank you everyone for this amazing tour! we'll see you next time, losers." he said.

awsten, geoff, otto, and i went backstage and waited for rose to meet us. i had hoped and prayed that she had caught that on video. when she finally came backstage, she pulled me into a giant hug and smiled.

"i told you so."

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