it takes two to tango (final part).

423 6 0

word count: 1550
tw: slight angst, accidental pregnancy, language

7 months later

"whoop, sloop." awsten said, as he drove the toy skateboard up and down my baby bump. this was something that he did often and the baby went crazy when he did it.

"imagine he becomes like a pro skateboarder or something because of this." i said. awsten laughed.

"imagine." he said, driving it over my bump again. i sighed.

"any day now. i just want him out of me. maybe when people meet him they'll stop giving me shit for having him."

"oh they will. trust me baby, you've done an amazing job."

"i can't wait to finally be able to go to the store without getting evil looks every time. they think i don't see but i do. school especially was hell, even though most people just wanted to feel him kick."

"it pissed me off when they tried to start stuff with you."

"oh i know. i mean it's not like geoff and otto had to hold you back from beating the hell out of clayton when he kept harassing me in the hallway."

i remembered that day clearly. he was calling me a penguin and telling me that it was funny when i wobbled. i didn't actually wobble when i walked. he was just an ass.

"i swear, they should have let me beat some sense into that douche canoe. he deserved it." awsten said, driving the skateboard across my bump again.

"i'm honestly glad they didn't. i hate fighting, it stresses me out. stress isn't good for the baby." i said.

"that's why i gave up when geoff and otto held me back. i knew it'd upset you at the end of the day."

i bolted up, my eyes widening.

"y/n? are you okay?" awsten asked me, concerned.

"he's coming." i announced.

"shit! okay, okay!" awsten bolted up and ran out of my room. "mr. l/n! get the car ready, the baby's coming!"

"on it!" i heard my dad call back. my hands flew to my stomach as a powerful contraction passed through me.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" i cried. just a few short minutes later, awsten came back to my room with the diaper bag ready.

"do you need me to carry you? how bad are your contractions?" he asked me.

"they're only every five minutes but they're bad. but, i can try to walk it's okay." i told him. he just shook his head and picked me up, not listening to me. "aws, you better not drop me."

"trust me, i got you baby. both of you." he assured me.

awsten carried me down the stairs carefully and to the car. my dad was already waiting in the drivers seat, ready to drive us to the hospital. he set me in the backseat, trying to buckle me.

"awsten, i got it! put the bag in the trunk and get in so we can get to the damn hospital." i told him, frustrated. he did as i said and i buckled my seat belt. he then got in next to me and my dad immediately pulled out of our driveway and started driving to the hospital.

"holy jesus! shit!" i cried as another contraction passed through me. awsten took my hand in his, as he texted his parents telling them that it was time.

"dad, can you please drive faster?" i begged my dad.

"i'm sorry, sweetie, but if i drive any faster i could get pulled over. then we'll never make it there." my dad apologized. i sighed as i rubbed my stomach.

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