brother's best friend.

462 4 6

word count: 1547
tw: none

"y/n!" my older brother, jawn, called from down the stairs.

"what?!" i called back, not really wanting to leave my room. it was probably something stupid anyways.

"come here!" jawn called.

"no, you come here instead!"

"just come here, doofus!"

i groaned, getting up. i walked downstairs to the living room, where my older brother was sitting on the couch. jawn was only two years older than me. he was 17 almost 18 and i was almost 16.

"what is so important that i had to leave my bedroom?" i asked my brother, annoyed.

"oh, i just wanted to tell you awsten is coming over." he mentioned. awsten was jawn's best friend since they were like ten. awsten was a little younger than jawn but only by like 8 months. he had just turned 17.

"okay? and what does that have to do with me?" i asked him. he let out a sly chuckle.

"in case you wanted to make yourself look a little better. you're really bad at hiding that you have a massive crush on him."

i turned beet red at my brother's accusation. he was right, however, i had been crushing on awsten since i was eleven. but, jawn wasn't supposed to know that. we had a strict rule where i couldn't date his friends and vice-versa. not like i would ever have a chance with awsten anyways.

"i- err-"

"look, i don't care that you have a crush on him. just don't act on it, that's all. anyways, he'll be here in twenty minutes." jawn interrupted me. i nodded and headed back upstairs to my room.

full honesty, i looked like a total mess. it was noon and i had only woken up two hours previous. my hair was a monstrosity, the messy bun i had accidentally fallen asleep with in like a million knots. not to mention that i was still wearing my tank top, pajama pants, and slippers.

i threw on a t-shirt and black ripped jeans. i then went to my bathroom and fixed my hair, which took too long for my liking. i brushed it out and then put on deodorant and brushed my teeth. i finally washed my face and then deemed myself ready.

i went downstairs and saw a tuft of pink hair from the back of the couch. i knew that was awsten, as he often liked dying his hair. jawn was standing up, texting someone on his phone.

"y/n, i was literally just about to call you." jawn greeted me. "i have to go pick up daphne because her dad won't give her a ride over. you mind chilling with awsten so he's not bored?"

"yeah, that's fine." i assured him, going to sit by awsten on the couch.

"hey, y/n." awsten greeted me with a smile. i smiled back at him.

"hi, aws." i greeted him back, using the nickname i gave to him when i was like ten. he hated it at first, saying it was lame, which was why i kept calling him it. but as we got older, he didn't seem to mind as much.

"alright, i should be back in like an hour. try not to set the house of fire or mom and dad'll kill us." jawn told us, grabbing his keys and leaving.

awsten and i had hung out together alone on occasion so it wasn't weird. him being friends with jawn for so long just led to us being friends as well. we weren't as close as him and jawn, of course, but we got to know each other pretty well.

"wanna watch a movie?" i suggested. awsten shrugged.

"sure, i don't see why not." he agreed. i grabbed the roku remote and opened netflix.

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