twin flame.

426 7 6

word count: 1361
tw: some angst, language

"y/n, so glad you could make it!" daphne opened the door and greeted me. "and, you must be grayson! it's nice to meet you, i'm daphne. come on in!"

my boyfriend, grayson, and i walked into the house and daphne took our jackets. i looked around anxiously for him, secretly praying he wasn't there. i knew the chances were high, considering he was daphne's boyfriend's best friend but i still hoped he wasn't there.

the last thing i needed was for him to pull me into the bathroom and start something. awsten always did that. the problem was, he'd always make me think that we could be more than just friends that messed around and then shut me down when i asked if we'd ever be official.

i tried countless times to get away. i tried dating people, so that i couldn't get pulled in by awsten's ways. but, he always had me with his sexy smirk and his flirty ways.

i didn't think i would have to really worry about awsten when i was with grayson. i started dating grayson because i felt i was truly done with awsten. and, i was genuinely catching feelings for grayson. well, i thought so. or perhaps i was telling myself i did.

"he's in the living room, y/n. in case you're trying to avoid him." daphne whispered in my ear. i nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up. this was a bad idea. a really bad idea.

"do you want to get a drink, babe?" i asked grayson. he nodded and we interlocked our fingers, walking to the kitchen.

grayson got a pineapple cranberry truly and i grabbed a raspberry smirnoff ice. we then headed out to the living room and my stomach twisted up and i squeezed grayson's hand lightly. why was i scared of awsten? i should have been done with him, over him. especially since i had a boyfriend. god, that man just messed with my head.

grayson sat down in one of the chairs and i sat on his lap, given that all the other furniture was taken. awsten eyed me, as he was sitting right in front of me, looking me up and down. i sighed, looking back at grayson and smiling at him.

"you look really pretty tonight, y/n." he told me. i felt nothing. reality hit and i realized that i didn't actually have feelings for grayson. of course i had to realize it then. of course it had to be when i was right in front of awsten.

"thank you, babe." i thanked him. awsten cleared his throat and i glared at him. now was not the time. now was not the place. but, it was never the time noir the place. i started to wish i never met him.

"y/n, can i talk to you for a moment?" awsten asked me. i sighed.

"no." i replied. he rubbed his face with his hand.

"it's important." he said. i scoffed.

"i'm sure it is."

"just five minutes, please."

ugh he was never going to give up!

"fine! if it makes you shut the hell up." i grumbled, getting off my boyfriend's lap. he looked at me, confusedly. i smiled slightly. "i'll be right back, okay?"

awsten and i walked to an area where there wasn't people and i gave him a look.

"you have five minutes." i said. he chuckled.

"so, you're really doing this again? come on, y/n, you know how this always ends. you convince yourself that you're done with me, you date a new guy, you realize you don't have feelings for that guy because you're still hung up on me, you dump the guy, and then you're back in my bed. then repeat." he ranted. i frowned. was he that insensitive?

"and, you just had to point it out right? well, i'm sorry that i can't force myself to stop being in love with you even if i try. i'm sorry that i can't move on for the life of me. it's not my god damn fault that you have a terrible habit of making me think we can actually be together, all so you can dip again." i seethed. awsten's face suddenly softened and he looked down. i wasn't expecting that reaction.

"you're right, it's my fault. so really, i'm sorry. i do want to be with you—like actually be dating you—but it's not right. i'm not the man for you, y/n."

"what do you mean it's not right? why do you think you aren't the man for me?"

"y/n, look at me. i'm a mess of a human being. i'm broken, i don't know how to love people properly. you being with me would just hurt you."

"that's not true. you're not a mess of a human being, awsten. and, i'm patient. it's not like i'm going to expect you to be perfect. hell, i'm not even perfect. nobody is."

"but, what if i hurt you? i don't want to hurt you. you're important to me and i would hate myself if i ever made you cry."

"believe me, that's okay. that happens in relationships. sometimes you hurt the people you love but then you make up with like ice cream or something." i giggled slightly at my own words, taking a step closer to awsten. "i think we can make this work. i trust you."

"if you were smart, you wouldn't trust me. just saying." awsten replied, stepping closer to me as well. i smirked.

"well, in that case i'm a huge dumbass."

the two of us laughed at my joke and awsten brushed my hair behind my ear and leaned down. i thought he was going to kiss me, but then he said something that made me freeze.

"i think if i'm going to kiss you, you might want to breakup with your rebound first."


i pulled away and looked down the hallway, seeing grayson standing there with his jaw practically on the ground.

"grayson..." i spoke. he turned around and stormed away, me following him. god, i must've hurt him. i felt bad.

i tried to stop him so that i could apologize but by the time i got outside, he was already in his car driving away. i went to text him an apology but there was already a text from him.

grayson: don't text me, were done and i don't need to hear any lame apology that you can come up with its a waste of time

grayson: i'll drop off the few things you left at my house on your porch tomorrow at noon, don't come outside

i sighed. although i didn't have any romantic feelings for grayson, he was a good guy. he must have been crushed and i felt terrible.

"he'll be okay. if you and i had sorted shit out sooner, this wouldn't have happened. except, that's on me, sorry." i heard awsten's voice from behind me. i turned around and raised an eyebrow at him.

"what? does that mean we're dating then?" i asked him. a smile threatened to form on his face as he walked towards me.

"i want to try. i care about you, y/n, i was just scared then. i'm not very good at relationships." awsten said. i smiled at him.

"you don't have to 'be good' at relationships. just go with the flow. it's easier."

"i can do that. i'll do it for you."

"god, you're adorable. i think i dig the boyfriend version of you rather than the friend i occasionally screw version of you."

"thank you? i think?"

"just kiss me so i can stop talking, please."

"that i can do, gladly."

awsten leaned in and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. i wrapped mine around his neck and smiled against his lips. it was like one of those kisses in the movies, when the guy finally gets the girl. but, in our story, i'd say it was the girl getting the guy.

either way, we were finally together. and that's all i wanted.

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