in the future.

269 5 2

word count: 3345
tw: some angst, lowkey violence

a/n: i just finished watching 13 going on 30 and got the idea for this fic so don't mind that it's loosely based on it

"are we almost there yet? my legs are tired from all the walking." i whined. awsten laughed.

"y/n, we've been walking for five minutes. we're almost there though, i promise." he replied. i just rolled my eyes. only moments later, awsten stopped walking and i looked up to see a beautiful tree with long branches that nearly touched the ground with the way they leaned. it was beautiful.

"this is the place i wanted to show you. this tree, it's called a weeping willow. it's beautiful, isn't it?" awsten told me. i smiled and nodded. the way the summer breeze moved the branches so gallantly made the spot absolutely perfect.

"i love it. how did you find this place?" i asked him.

"i was just going for a walk once to clear my head after a stupid argument with my parents. i like to come here to write. i wanted to show you because it's really important to me and so are you." awsten blushed. i just let out a nervous laugh. the two of us had been best friends since we were 5 but he never talked about me like that. it was kind of weird but i brushed it off.

i walked over to him and we stood under the tree. he was a bit taller than me (although when we were younger i was always taller than him and i always picked on him for it) so he looked down at me and brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"my favorite spot with my favorite person." he smiled and i could see that he was still blushing. what on earth was going on with him?

"i really like this spot, awsten. i just don't understand why you brought me here and you're acting different. i'm just a little confused is all." i rambled.

"well...i was kind of hoping i'd get the guts to do this." and then he did the unthinkable. he kissed me. my best friend of 8 years was kissing me?!

i pulled away and that's when i did something i never expected.

i slapped him.

"what is going on with you?!" i exclaimed. the look on awsten's face was pained and hurt. physically and emotionally. i immediately started to feel bad.

"y/n i- im sorry i just thought..." awsten tried to muster out an explanation but he couldn't really form a sentence. i was just so confused, we had been friends for so long but i never expected him to kiss me. it was so bizarre.

"i can't believe you. do not follow me. i need to be alone." with that i immediately started running away, back to my house. his was right across from mine, which was why i asked him not to follow me. i couldn't deal with the awkwardness of him trying and failing to come up with an explanation for what he had just done.

i ran as fast as i could. all i wanted to do was go home and scream. why would he kiss me? why would he try to ruin our friendship like that? he was insane, that was for sure.

after a few minutes, i was finally home. i ran inside and slammed the front door.

"y/n, sweetie, is everything alright?" my mom questioned me as i stormed inside.

"i don't wanna talk. i don't wanna talk to anyone i just want to go to bed." i huffed, as i ran to my room. i slammed the door behind me and threw myself onto my bed.

"ugh, it doesn't make sense! i wish i was older. maybe then id understand." i started crying into my pillow.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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