need you here.

723 6 15

word count: 1409
tw: slight angst, intoxication, small sexual innuendo, language

i was trying to sleep when my phone started ringing.

it's after 1 am in the morning, who the hell is calling me?

i looked at the caller id and my heart dropped to the ground. it was awsten. i chose to ignore it, as it had to be a mistake.

awsten had broken up with me three weeks prior. we had only been together for three months but my heart absolutely shattered over him. i had easily fallen in love with him and for him to just give up so easily absolutely broke me. i couldn't believe he never felt the same way i felt towards him.

he never gave me a reason or an explanation. he just asked me to meet up and told me it was over. plain and simple. just like that.

i set my phone on my nightstand but soon enough, it rang again. it was once again awsten. i finally decided to answer it. what if he was in trouble or hurt?

"awsten?" i asked, answering the phone.

"y/n! you answered." awsten said, exaggerating the word answered. he then hiccuped. "i really really miss you, baby. i miss you so much."

"you're drunk." i sighed. that was the only reason he called. he was drunk off his ass.

"no, no, how am i drunk i don't drink? well, i mean today i did. just some of this vodka i bought when i was sad but i promised i wouldn't get drunk. i just wanted to stop thinking about you but it made it worse."

"awsten, why are you calling me? you broke up with me three weeks ago."

"cause i miss you, y/n. i need you here, can you come over? please?"

"it's a quarter after one in the morning, aws. why don't you call me when you're sober?"

"cause i need you now. who knows if i'll even get the guts to call you when i'm sober? i need you right now more than ever, please come over. stay with me just for tonight." awsten begged me. i sighed. i knew this wasn't going to be good for my mental health in the end. but i just couldn't say no to him in the end.

"okay. let me grab clothes and then i'll be over." i said.

"you don't need clothes, baby."

"awsten!" i scolded. i heard him giggle on the other side of the line. i face palmed. "i'll be over in 20."

i hung up before he could say anymore. i turned my light on and grabbed clothes for the next day along with toiletries and my phone charger. i figure i might as well show up in my pajamas, considering it was the middle of the night anyways. i shoved my things in a bag and grabbed my keys. i slid on shoes and walked out the door.

the drive to awsten's was only about fifteen minutes. we met at a small club that his band was playing a small gig at that was near both of our houses. i had gone just to get out for once and when i met him i had immediately fallen in love.

my heart ached remembering being with him. i knew it was a very slim chance that we'd ever get back together, even though i was then driving to his house as per his request. hell, he'd probably be pissed to find me at his house the next morning. why did i even say yes?

awsten was sitting on his door step waiting for me when i pulled into his driveway. when he saw my car he stood up, happiness painting his face. when i got out he ran (attempted to at least) to me but he almost stumbled and fell. he gave me a messy hug.

"y/n, i missed you so much!" awsten greeted me. i giggled a bit.

"i missed you too, awsten, but it's the middle of the night and we need to get you inside and to bed." i told him. i put his arm around my shoulder and walked him inside.

i walked him to his bedroom and i laid him on his bed. he was already in a t-shirt and sweats so luckily he didn't have to change.

"i don't wanna go to bed i wanna hang out with you." awsten pouted. i just shook my head.

"awsten, do you not get that it's the middle of the night? you need sleep." i reminded him.

"then sleep with me." he said. but then quickly adding, "not like that! i mean, like that but not now because i'm drunk and i'd be mad in the morning but like, just sleep next to me. cuddle me. like old times."

"i feel like you're gonna hate me either way in the morning."

"i won't. i swear. just sleep by me, i don't wanna sleep alone."

i sighed. this boy was truly making it absolutely impossible to ever get over him.

"okay, move over i'm gonna turn the lights off."

i went to turn the lights off and awsten scooted over. i then laid on the bed with him and got under the covers. he cuddled up to me and i blushed. he was really warm.

"i missed this so much. i missed you so much." awsten told me. i frowned.

"you keep saying you missed me, why did you even break up with me then?" i asked him.

"i was scared. i'm really good at fucking up relationships and i didn't want to hurt you. i was already so in love with you. i figured that leaving would be the best move so that neither of us got hurt. but by then i was already so in love that i got hurt anyways."

" didn't have to break up with me because of that. you could have talked to me. i loved you just as much as you loved me. hell, i still do if i'm being fully honest."

"y/n, i was so stupid. i shouldn't have broken up with you. i did it to stop me from fucking things up and in return it fucked things up."

"you're not stupid, you were scared. i understand. love can be scary."

"i still love you, y/n. i want to get back together with you. please take me back."

"can we talk in the morning when you're sober? we can't talk about this right now."

"i am sober, mostly. but yeah, we can talk tomorrow." awsten said, then yawning. "can you do me a favor?"

"depends." i replied.

"can you run your fingers through my hair like you used to when i couldn't sleep? it was so calming."

"yeah, sure. i can do that."

"thank you, lovely. goodnight." awsten thanked me. i smiled, while beginning to run my hands through his red hair.

"goodnight, awsten."

the next morning

i woke up the next morning to the bright sun shining through awsten's windows.

i realized that i was laying on his chest while he was wide awake playing with my hair. i looked up at him and gave him a small smile. he gave me the same one in return.

"hey." i said.

"good morning." he replied. "did you sleep okay?"

"yeah, i did. sorry i came over."

"why are you apologizing? i'm the one who begged you to come over."

how much does he remember? i didn't expect him to remember shit.

"how much do you remember?"

"everything after you pulled into my driveway. by then i was halfway sober."

"oh. okay." i said, then feeling awkward. that meant he remembered our talk. did he mean it?

"i meant what i said, by the way. if you'll have me, i'd like to get back together with you." awsten told me, reading my mind. "only if that's what you want too."


"yes, y/n. i love you. i know i was afraid to mess things up, but i really have hope for us."

"i love you too. i'd love to get back together with you."

awsten smiled and then leaned in to kiss me. i kissed back, smiling against his lips. i really missed him.

"so," awsten began, after he pulled away. "want to go out for coffee? we can catch up on these past few weeks."

"i'd love that." i agreed.

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