friends again.

430 5 3

word count: 1481
tw: none

i informed my PE teacher that i had forgotten to wear sneakers and then walked to the bleachers, smirking. i didn't really forget. i wore my crocs on purpose because i couldn't stand the unit we were doing.

there was only one other person sitting on the bleachers, so i sat near him. it was awsten knight, probably one of the most popular people in school. he sat there, boredly, so i figured maybe i could keep him company. we used to be pretty close in elementary school before he drifted in with the popular group and i stayed quiet. i didn't see why it would be weird for me to talk to him.

"hey." i said, with a small smile, sitting by him. when he saw me, his face lit up, making me feel much more reassured.

"y/n? wow, long time no talk. what are you doing sitting out?" awsten greeted me. i pointed at my black crocs. another reason i wore them was because it was freezing outside and they were insulated with fur.

"wore the wrong shoes to play volleyball in." i informed him. "and, you?"

"broke my wrist playing basketball." he held up his left arm and pulled his hoodie sleeve up, showing his light blue cast that was littered with signatures from people around the school. "we were playing against the other team and i went to dunk the ball but i fell right to the ground. mad embarrassing, but we still won that night."

"glad to see you still love basketball. when we were in elementary school you always said you wanted to be a basketball player."

"yeah, but this is just a side thing, if i'm being honest. i actually started a band with two of my friends. i think i want to do something with that."

"awsten knight, are you finally putting that singing talent towards something?" i asked, laughing. he nodded with what seemed to be a proud smile.

"yep, didn't do karaoke with you for all those years while our moms watched for nothing." he replied. i just shook my head at him.

"those videos still pop up on my moms facebook memories. actually, one of the videos my mom took of us doing karaoke from when we were like nine popped up and it said eight years ago. i can't believe it's been that long."

"yeah, i feel bad that we drifted. i miss you a lot, actually. when i joined my friend group, i never meant for our friendship to just end."

"it's okay, aws. shit happens, what can you do?"

"maybe i can start by apologizing and asking you if you want to walk home together after school?" awsten asked me. "that is, if you still live down the street from me."

"i do, i haven't moved. and, i'd love to." i agreed, smiling. he smiled back and me and we continued talking, mostly just catching up on life.

"you should sign my cast." awsten said, grabbing a sharpie out of his bookbag. "your signature would honestly probably mean more than half the signatures on this stupid thing."

i just smiled and shook my head as i grabbed the sharpie out of his hand and took the cap off, writing my name in one of the vacant spaces and then putting a small heart next to it. after that, i gave him back the sharpie.

"there you go." i told him, then looking ahead of us to see how the volleyball games were going. unfortunately, there seemed to be a few girls glaring at us. "uh, is it just me or are a few of those girls glaring at us?"

"oh, ignore them. they'll get over themselves eventually." he replied, shaking it off. i nodded, slowly.

"right, i forget like 80% of the girls in this school have a massive crush on you. honestly, if all these girls like you, why are you still single?"

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