Golden Woods:

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I saw before me a dense wood that emitted a golden light. The tree leaves were beautiful and green.

We stepped inside and walked along a beautiful path.

"Greetings stranger. Girl from another world." I heard a voice but didn't see anyone.

"Sh, stay close hobbits. They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell."

Gimli steps along. " Well, here is one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." I jumped when elves bearing bows stepped out of the treeline. Legolas pulled out his bow and held it taut.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." A blonde elf steps out.

Aragorn begins to speak in Elvish. "Haldir of Lorien, we come here for help. We need your protection."

"Aragorn, these woods are Perilous. We should go back" Gimli says.

Haldir continues. "You have entered the realm of the lady of the wood. You cannot go back. Come, she is waiting." We spent that night camped on the elven talons in the trees. Legolas and I were perfectly happy but Gimli, not so much.

Legolas holds me close as we walk along. I am in awe of this place. It looks like heaven. Trees illuminated by lights of gold and silver. We are escorted up a staircase and to a brilliant, glowing, house. Two figures in white descend toward us.

"Eight there are, yet nine set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him." The man with silver hair says.

"He has fallen into shadow. The quest stands upon the edge of a knife, stray but a little and it will fall to the ruin all. Yet, hope remains, while the company is true. Do not let your heart be troubled, go now and rest."

We were escorted to a canopy under the trees. Pillows and blankets covered the ground.

A servant approached us. "Legolas Thranduilion. Come, the Lord wishes to meet with you and the princess."

"We will come," I say. Legolas and I follow him to the brilliant house. Celeborn and Galadriel waited for us. "Prince of The Greenwoods, Lady Greenleaf. Welcome to Lothlorien." My husband and I bow.

"Thank you for accepting us."

"I have news from Mirkwood. On behalf of Thranduil, a letter was sent in hopes you would make it here." He passed me a piece of folded parchment. "I will have you accommodated." Celeborn left.

Legolas and I were given our own room high in the treetops. We had a bed, bathroom, and little lounge area. I sat on the bed and Legolas beside me.

"What if its bad news?" I ask.

"I suppose we must find out. Would you like me to open it?" Legolas takes the letter. I nod. He unfolds it and scans it for a few seconds. A tear slips down his cheek.

"Legolas, what is it?" I demand.

"It's Thalion. He was killed in battle. Mirkwood is being attacked. The forest has cleared out and the elves have all been moved into the fortress. Your family has moved into our place."

Thalion. My instructor turned friend. "Anything else?" I asked.

"Ada sends his love, he hopes we are well. We can write back and try to send a letter." I take my notebook out of my bag and write out a one-page letter to my family. Legolas does the same for his father.

After we give the letter to a messenger I open our bags and take out our extra clothes. There were clothes in the closet so I selected a dress for myself since all I brought were leggings. In the bathroom, there is a large bathing pool in which we relax. Hot water has never felt better. I washed my hair and braided it over my shoulder. The dress I chose is light blue with sleeves that come down to my elbows and then fall sheer to the floor. I take my ring off its chain but Legolas stop me. He takes my ring and get's on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I laugh. "Of course my prince." He stands and kisses me. Legolas is wearing the silver tunic I got him for his birthday. His hair is brushed back and he polished his boots.

"Well, don't you look handsome." I kissed him again. We walk to find our friends. The Lorien elves bow to us as we pass. We found the fellowship feast at a long table.

"Well, who's the girl Legolas?" Aragorn teases. I shake my head.

"Sorry Lady Erulisse, I'm not used to seeing you all dressed up."

"You look like a goddess of starlight." Boromir smiles. I nod my head to him and sit across from Legolas. I stuffed myself to the point of I felt sick. But, after weeks of eating very little, it felt good. The rumour that hobbits could eat half their body weight was right. I'd never seen four people eat so much. Finally being able to relax was nice. We were all able to let our guards down and enjoy a happy conversation.

I put my dress back in the wardrobe and wrap one of the robes around myself. I close my eyes and all of a sudden, I'm there. Watching him fall. Tears roll down my cheeks. He was gone, Gandalf was gone. Legolas stopped out of the bathroom and came over to me. I press my face into his chest and let out all the tears I'd been holding in.

"He's gone Legolas." I sobbed.

"I know. I miss him too." He rubbed my back. I kissed his lips hungrily, dying to feel something other than this stabbing pain in my heart.  Despite my whirling mind, my body relaxed. Legolas lay with his head in my lap. "Will you sing for me?"

"I can try." I play with his soft hair.

" I was scared of dentists and the dark. I was acred of pretty girls and starting

Conversations. Oh all my friends are turning green, you're the magician's assistant in their dreams.

Ah ooh, ooh, ooh. Oh oh, and they come unstuck. Lady, running down to the riptide taken away to the dark side I want to be your left-hand man.

I love you when you're singing that song and

I got a lump in my throat because you're going to sing The words wrong.

There's this movie that I think you'll like A guy decides to quit his job and heads to new york city

This cowboys running from himself,

and she's been living on the highest shelf.

Ah ooh, ooh, ooh. Ah ooh, oh oh. And they come unstuck."

Legolas's eyes are closed and his chest moves slowly. I placed his head on his pillow and crawled into bed next to him.

When I woke up the next morning the sun was already up. I rolled over and saw Legolas looking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"You look like an angel when you sleep."

"I can assure you I don't but thank you."

He rolled on top of me. "Oh yes, you do." He kissed my neck, moving his hands down my waist.

"Do that again."

He complies.

We didn't end up joining the rest of the fellowship until after lunch. Our group spent the day eating and resting among the trees. Legolas and I visited with a couple of elves. It was nice to be among our species again. That night we were all a little sad. The fellowship would set out the next morning.

 I was scared to continue but I knew Legolas would look after me. 

Author: Just a short one this time....Sorry. :(

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