The Gulls Cry :

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Our group camped in the shadow of the mountain that night. We were exhausted and distressed.
The twins weren't cracking jokes, Gimli wasn't whining about dwarvish business, and Aragorn stared into the fire. We were all thinking about our impending doom. Legolas was whipping his knife blades with a rag and I sat by his feet with my head against his knee. Amratham was already asleep and his son was sitting a few feet away writing something in a small booklet. Now that the river was in sight I kept my eyes peeled for seagulls. However, everything was oddly still.

I stood and walked over to the tree where Legolas and I had set up our stuff. As I stood from grabbing my journal someone spoke.

"When are you going to tell him?"


"You know?" I asked nervously.

"My father is a healer and I have apprenticed under him. I knew the second you grabbed yourself. You should not be keeping this from him. What would he say? You going to war while carrying his child?" Elrohir leaned on the tree.

"Legolas cannot know, not yet."

"He's your husband."

"Something else will preoccupy his mind shortly and I do not want to put any more stress on him. Please, Do not tell Legolas."

"It is not my place. I will only caution you to be careful."

"I know, I know. I'm trying."

"You should be resting, not fighting terrors."

"That cannot be helped Elrohir."

"How far are you?"

"Coming up on four months." I sigh. "I'm not going to be able to hide it much longer."

Elrohir eyed me. "No, indeed not. Here." He passed me a small package. "Take these, they'll help."

It was a small, paper packet of white, round pills.

"The pills will help your strength."

"Thank you very much," I respond as I slip the pack into my backpack. Legolas walked over just as Elrohir ventured over to his place.

"What was he saying?" Legolas asked.

"Oh, we were just talking about the odds."

"I see, well, I suppose we should rest before the dawn."

The fact that my husband didn't even try to provide encouragement made me realize something.

We were scrambled eggs.


I felt someone shift me closer to them so I snuggled deeper into the familiar embrace. Legolas kissed my forehead and whispered. "The moon is high."

Our turn to watch. I groaned. "Are you sure?"

"Yes love, I gave you a few extra minutes. Poor Amrathan needs his rest too."

We swapped places with the Dunedain and settled in for our post. Legolas stood with one foot resting on the log. I leaned against his leg as I stared into the fire.

A whoosh overhead caused me to look up.

A seagull.

The white bird perched on a rocky jut above our camp. My eyes went to Legolas who didn't even seem to notice. It preened itself while remaining quiet.

Not for long.

I grimaced.

The bird let loose a high-pitched call. I stood as Legolas grunted and grabbed his chest, right above his heart.

Of love & war : Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now