Land of Many Tears:

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We stopped that night at a rocky formation. After starting our fire we ate in silence. Gandalf and Aragorn were silent as stones. A dark shadow seemed to plague them both. I knew the fellowship was tired.

 I hoped we would find time to rest in Edoras but something deep down told me otherwise. 

Something stirs in the wind.

"We will reach Edoras the day after tomorrow," Legolas said as he stretched out on our blanket. The sky looked so pretty with the specks of white light. 

I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest.

"Gracie? Did you hear me?" Legolas asked.

I snapped out of my daze. "What?"

"Something has got your mind."

I nodded slowly while my heartbeat quickened, the world was closing in on me. "I-, I think I'm going to have a panic attack." 

Legolas scooped me into his arms and cuddled me. "Take deep breaths." He pressed my head against his chest. I listened to his strong heartbeat. It always relaxed me. My husband laid down on his back with me stretched out on him. He stroked my hair and I snuggled as deep as I could into him. "Thank you for always being there for me."

"Always will be. I love you."

"I love you too Lego."

At the end of the third day, we came to a city built on a green knoll. High, log fences surrounded it and all the houses were built like cabins. On the highest part of the hill sat the Golden Hall of King Theoden.

"Edoras, and the Golden Hall of Meadowsilt. House of Theoden, King of Rohan." Gandalf said from where we stood.

"He whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong."

Legolas stared at the city.

"Be careful what you say and do not look for welcome here," Gandalf stated as we rode towards the establishment.

As we rode up closer to the city I could see a figure in white standing outside the hall's large doors. A flag blew down and landed on the grass. Legolas looked at it sadly and then rode through the gateway. I rode as close as I could to him and Gimli. Edoras was a dark, and sad place. The people weren't smiling, children weren't playing in the streets, and even the horses seemed stiff to be returning.

"You'd find more cheer in a graveyard," Gimli whispered. The people stared at us coldly as we rode past. Something dark was at work here. You could feel it plain as day. We made it to the top and tied up our horses. Legolas grabbed my hand as we walked up the stone steps.

At the top of the stairs, we were met by Rohanian guards.

"I cannot allow you before Theoden king so armed, Gandalf Grahame. By order of Grima Wormtongue."

Why did that name make me gag a little?

Gandalf nodded to us so we took off our weapons.

"Treat them with respect. They demand it." I stared coldly at the soldier who took mine. He nodded nervously and carried them gently into the building. Legolas was having major separation anxiety, he never, ever, went anywhere without his blades. I felt myself and pulled out two of my dagger but I didn't expose the other ones. The soldiers wouldn't dare put their hands on me to check anyway. I noticed Gandalf still held his staff.

"Your staff?" The soldier asked.

"Oh, you wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick?" He grabbed onto Legolas's arm for balance as we walked in. Legolas held a determined glare as we walked in, keeping one hand on me and helping the 'old' wizard with the other.

Of love & war : Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now