Too Stubborn For Death:

73 2 10

Elvish in italics



I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was still curled up with Legolas. He hadn't moved even a bit. I straightened myself and grabbed his tunic from the chair beside the bed. After pulling it on I sniffed the collar. It still smelt like him. Fresh air and forest.

"Please wake up," I whispered as I kissed him. "I need you."

The door opened to reveal a very tired-looking Aragorn. "Erulisse, what are you doing here? Elrohir told you about your stitches."

"I know, I know. I needed to be near him, just for a little while."

Aragorn looked me over. "I understand."

"I'm so worried for him." I moved his hand to my stomach. "I don't know what I would do without him."

"He would want you to go on, but have faith, I do not believe your time is over."

Aragorn escorted me back to my room and I made it back just in time for Elrohir to come in and check on me. I spent the next two days either sleeping or visiting Legolas.

The three weeks of rest had helped my stitches do their job so I held Aragorn's hand while Elrohir gently pulled them out.

"Ouch." I breathed as he slipped one of the strings from beneath my skin.

"I am sorry, it will be over soon." He smiled. Elrohir snipped one more and then said. "Finished, you may walk but not far and no running."

I massaged my sore hips. "No chance of running."

Aragorn chuckled and then stood after hearing a crash in the next room.

Elrohir ran from the room. 

"Aragorn!" He called. 

Elladan appeared and I walked behind him. We all crowded into the next room to see Legolas holding onto the edge of the bed. I cried out and put my hand over my lips.

"Manwe have mercy brother." Elrohir helped him back onto the bed.

Aragorn looked astonished. "He was out not twenty minutes ago." 

"Well, I am very much awake. Where's Erulisse?" He asked. Elladan stepped aside to allow me through. I walked swiftly over to the bed and threw my arms around his neck. We held each other and cried.

"I missed you." He gripped me tightly as I combed my fingers through his silky hair.

"It's alright my love. We're alright now." He whispered.

I nodded.

"I love you, it's okay, I love you."

I sat back and slapped his shoulder. "You scared the heck out of me!"

He looked worried. "I'm fine, how are you? How's our baby?"

Elrohir smiled. "Mom is doing fine as is the little stranger."

I smiled. "I'm alright, not dead. Thanks to you."

He kissed my hand. "You have to stop trying to kill yourself."

"Says you!" I frowned.

"I told you, darling, I'm too stubborn for death." He chuckled. He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Oh okay, enough." Elladan joked.

Legolas shushed him and kissed me again.

"That's our sign to leave." Elrohir took the others with him.

Of love & war : Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now