And Then There Were Five..Six? :

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John 16:21

"Whenever a woman is in labour she has pain but after her child is born she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that the child has been born into the world."

Y'all know where this is going. Here me out, 

I do not sugarcoat childbirth. I find it a fascinating and beautiful thing. You're going to ask. "How does she know so much about  this?"

Well, my mom has sisters who have all had multiple kids. I have watched a truckload of shows and movies and am thinking of a career in medicine. 

It's not going to be overly detailed or gross like it is often described however, I felt like I should add a warning for anyone who is uncomfortable or triggered by this topic. 



          Our little family spent the next month adjusting to home life. I was exhausted from the months of travelling and Legolas insisted I take it easy. During that time I spent most days on the couch with the girls or asleep. We spent our first Christmas together as a family and of course, Grandpa Thranduil spoiled the girls. Legolas had given me a new saddle for Wolf as soon as I was able to ride again and more notebooks for my writings. I had managed to have a new harness made for his blades. The leatherworker had carved it with locations or landmarks from our journey. 

We both received a letter from Aragorn and Arwen. They were doing well and had settled into Gondor happily together. 

 Thranduil gave us beautiful furniture for the baby's room which Legolas had redone for our little elfling. Grandpa made regular visits and loved being with his granddaughters. Some days he would even take them with him places so Legolas and I could relax.

 Seeing as I was now a mom with three kids, I resigned from my place in the guard to fulfill my lifelong dream of being a stay-at-home mother. Legolas whipped the army back into shape and managed to be the best father ever. Maybe I'm biased. Lothiniel knew when her Ada was coming home and she planted herself by the door until he arrived. She and Legolas were inseparable. Watching Legolas flourish in his new role was refreshing for me. Taneniel had started to walk by holding onto his fingers since I could not bend over. She was starting to make little noises and boy was she sassy. 

Being pregnant was hard. I tired easily, was constantly sore, and I still got sick on occasion. So life continued peacefully until one day during the third week of February....

I scooped out small balls of cookie dough and put them on the metal sheet. Lothiniel sat on the counter playing with her blocks. I put the cookie sheet in the oven and jumped when I heard a crash and felt a stabbing pain in my waist. I leaned on the counter for a minute while Lothiniel rebuilt her wall. I rubbed my stomach and turned back to what I was doing. I put the plates back on the shelf and straightened the kitchen before it happened again. This time even harder which caused me to groan slightly. Lothiniel looked at me and I smiled back at her. "I'm okay."

"Just crampy." I told myself. Several times that afternoon I had to pause and breathe through the pains which were coming closer together.

 Several times that afternoon I had to pause and breathe through the pains which were coming closer together. I was in labour.

Legolas couldn't get home soon enough. I ran to meet him the second he stepped through the door.

"Hey, welcoming committee." he kissed me. I pushed him off. "Legolas I'm in labour."

Of love & war : Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now