To Lord And Land:

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*This chapter will cover the departure from Rohan and the arrival at the mountain pass. I'm not good at writing descriptive journeys lol*


Our fellowship had decided we would remain with Rohan and not follow Gandalf. I was dying to tell Legolas but something stopped my words every time I tried.

After two days of waiting, it came. Legolas and I were sitting in the hall. I was writing in my journal and Legolas was standing behind me....

The two doors banged open.

"The beacons Of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit!" Aragorn yelled. I stood and set my pencil in the crease of my notebook.

"Gondor calls for aid!" He said. Everyone in the hall looked to Theoden. Legolas put a hand on my shoulder and I reached up to squeeze it.

"And Rohan will answer!" The King stated. "Muster the Rohirrim!"

The four captains nodded and left the hall.

I gathered up my items and followed Legolas down the hall to the sleeping quarters. We gathered our stuff and walked down another hall to an extra room.

"It's a three days journey to Gondor." Legolas stated as he closed the door. I pulled my blue tunic over my head and exchanged it for my green one. I added my corset and Legolas laced up the back for me. I washed our extra travelling clothes and put them in our backpacks. Legolas stood shirtless in front of me. I leaned up and kissed him. He groaned. "Must we leave?"

"Yes darling, I'm afraid we must." I passed him his shirt, and then his tunic. My husband dressed and then turned to me. "I'll look out for us, promise."

"I know, you always do." 

We held our hands entwined in front of us. He pressed his forehead to mine and our bond glowed in our hearts. Legolas bent and kissed me with a fiery passion. "I love you." He murmured.

"Love you too husband."

He grabbed my hand and we walked through the halls. Men rushed around outside as they readied to mount. Legolas and I retrieved our horses from the stable block and strapped our stuff on.

I rubbed Wolf's forehead. "We have a long trip mellon. I have faith we will overcome." He sighed as I buckled his bridle. 

I hoisted myself into the saddle but not without a slight bit of muscle pain. I wasn't going to be able to do this much longer. So far I managed to hide my morning sickness by drinking tea as soon as I woke up and changing with my back to my husband.

"Listas?" I asked Legolas as I rode up beside him.

He gave me a quizzical look. "What is this tongue you speak?"

"Spanish. It's like, what elvish is to men."

He shook his head. "Aye my darling girl, you never cease to amuse me." 

We laughed and then rode away from the stable and through the throng of men with horses. Wives embraced their husbands and the children cried out for their fathers. It reminded me of home when we were leading troops to hunt orcs. That was the least favourite part of my job, leading men away from their families.

Gimli mounted with Legolas. "Horsemen, humph, I wish I could muster an army of dwarves fully armed and filthy."

"Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war. I fear war is already upon them." My husband frowned.

We fell in line with the army. Legolas and I were escorted to the front with the King and Aragorn.

"Now is the hour! Riders of Rohan, Oaths you have taken! Now, fulfill them all, to Lord and Land!" Eomer yelled.

Thus started our gallop from Edoras.

We rode under the sun. Only the sound of hooves and the wind could be heard. The army stopped and camped on the plains the first night with the hope of reaching the camp the following night.

Legolas helped me down out of my saddle. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." I smiled. Gimli was sorting through his bag, looking for our lembas.

"I have to figure out a way to tell him about you," I whispered as I rubbed my hand over my stomach. Aragorn, Gimli, and the two of us ate our lembas and then rolled out beds. Legolas and I arranged our bed by our horses.

I stared up at the sky and let my mind wander to home. My rabbits, my family, our house, I missed it. I missed the stability, knowing what was going to happen and being able to plan accordingly. The stress on my mind was making me tired, mentally and physically. Now, I had another life drawing on my dwindling supply of strength. I knew I could rest once this was over but the end seem to get farther away. My vision was obscured by thick tears. I let them slip down my cheeks and my neck. Someone hovered over me.

"Melleth, what is wrong?" Legolas looked worried.

"Nothing." I tried to smile.

"Do not lie to me."

"Just tired."

Legolas laid on top of me with his head resting on my chest so I wrapped my arms around him.

"Wake me if you need anything."


"Gracie?" Someone whispered as my eyes fluttered open. Legolas kissed me gently. "Time to go."

I groaned and sat up. My head was aching and the muscles I didn't know I had ached terribly. However, the war wouldn't wait for one elf. Legolas and I folded up our beds, strapped our bags on our horses, and mounted.

We rode with Rohan all day before reaching a mountainside. Tents were scattered about and men were sharpening swords, axes, and spears.

"Grimbold, how many?" Theoden asked as we rode through.

"I bring 500 men from the westfold My Lord." He answered.

I was not feeling hopeful.

Gamling added. "We have 300 from Fenmarch."

"Where are the riders from Snowbourne?" Theoden asked.

"None have come My lord."

Theoden frowned and led us up a steep path. Legolas and I exchanged a disappointed look.

The king and Aragorn stood at the edge of the cliff looking down at the camp. Legolas, Gimli, and I stood in the middle of the camp. The horses were tied nearby but were looking around anxiously. This place has an eerie, darkness to it. A deep cavern was cut in the side. A narrow road through the rock.

"The horses are restless and the men are quiet." My husband stated nervously.

Eeomer stood next to us. "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain."

"That road, where does it lead?" Gimli motioned.

Legolas frowned. "It is the door to the dimholt; the door under the mountain."

"None whoever ventures there ever return," Eomer stated.

I stepped behind Legolas and wrapped my hands around his wrist which he returned by pulling me against him. Aragorn nodded to me as he walked up.

"Come Aragorn, let's find some food," Gimli said. We sat around the campfire sharing the meat and bread I had brought from Edoras. Legolas wrapped an arm around my shoulder when my leg started shaking. My anxiety was rising by the second. I choked down my food and then Legolas and I rolled out our bed in one of the empty tents. I was re-folding our clothes, trying to disguise my shaking hands when Legolas took them from me and squeezed my hands in his.

"What can I do?" He asked.

"Just tuck me in your arms and hold me," I whispered.

"I can do that." he smiled as I crawled into his lap. Legolas wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Everything is going to be alright, I can feel it."

He lowered us onto our bed and we lay like that for a while. 

Author: Oookay, wasn't best my best work but...

Of love & war : Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now