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We stood on the hillside waiting for the corsairs to sail close. Aragorn looked so discouraged. Legolas held my hand tightly as he stared out at the water. I shivered slightly at the thought of fighting men. They would be more skilled than your average, brainless orc.

I saw a green haze pour out of the mountainside. We all turned to see the host army.

"We fight." The King stated.

I sighed with relief. Legolas smiled. We had hope.

Our group stood at the edgy of the stone shore as we waited. The black ships loomed out of the water almost haunted. A man stood near the railing.

"You may go no farther!" Aragorn called. "You will not enter Gondor."

"Who are you to deny us passage?" The ugly corsair shouted back.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot near the bosun's ear," Aragorn asked my husband cooly. He did.

"Mind your aim." Gimli nudge his bow and it struck one man in the shoulder.

A corsair fired back and it hit near my feet. Had I not hopped out of the way it would have hit me. Legolas pulled his bow and ticked off the one who shot at me.

"That's it, we warned you. Prepare to be boarded!" Gimli shouted. I smirked and looked at Legolas who returned it.

"And, by you and whose army?" The pirate challenged.

"This army!" Aragorn raised his sword. The ghost army appeared and sailed over the water.

I watched with an immense feeling of satisfaction as they slaughtered the enemy.

We boarded the ships at the nearest docking site and prepare to enter Gondor. Elladan climbed up the mast and shouted down. "Gondor is in flames!"

He was right. We watched curls of smoke in the distance.

"Oh to have the eyes of an elf," Gimli mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked him Jokingly. He turned his head away. 

The ships glided silently over the water and toward our destination, or doom.

We took turns watching and resting. When I wasn't observing our course, I was curled up in Legolas's arms. 

The smoke from the white city was becoming easier and easier to see which indicated we would be in the thick of war before lunchtime. I sat on the boat deck with my knees pulled up to my chest as I watched the clouds roll by. 

 So many men would lose their lives today. 


SUPER SHORT IK! I needed to make a few comments lol.

1. I have decided to finish ROTK and then add a few chapters afterwards. We need to see our little Legolas or Erulisse Jr come into the world lol. Also, I have the cutest idea for a homecoming/Leaving/Ending.

2. My home is going to be hit by a hurricane, on the off chance I lose power I wanted to give you all a little something to hold you over until I can update again.

3. My cosplay is coming together! GAHHHH I'm so happy :)

I'm so sad! This is almost over. Thank you to those who have made it this far! I am forever thankful for your support :) 

Legolas: #Oblivious

Erulisse: #DepressoEspresso

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