Chapter 1 - Old Flames

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At Jeon Publications

It was a beautiful day but not for Y/n because right now she is standing in-front of the person whom she was avoiding for last 4 years. The person who was everything to her. Those beautiful eyes who used to show nothing but love and care... Those lips that were once her to claim and used to say endless I love you...the fac-

Her train of thoughts were interrupted when Y/n's elder brother cleared his throat

Jeon WonWoo: Y/n, meet Mr. Park Jimin, one of the youngest and most successful businessman in the world...and Mr. Park she is Jeon Y/n, my sister and also the co-founder of this Publications.

Y/n was shocked is an understatement... After all she didn't planned to meet her ex today when she woke-up hoping for a wonderful day...

Jimin: It's nice to meet you (again) Y/ - Miss. Jeon

If Y/n was shocked, Jimin was a walking volcano of emotions... He wanted to hold her and tell her how much he missed much he craved for her presence and how much he wants to lov-

Y/n: (with fake smile and carrying Professional aura) It's an honor to meet you Mr. Park and hope this interview goes well (for us)

Jimin was beyond happy...Y/n talked to him though it wasn't the way he wanted it to be but what is he expecting? Y/n to jump in his arm and kiss him? Well why would she, especially after everything he has done... With a sad smile he nodded

Wonwoo: (Whispered to Y/n) I am so sorry Bun I know you were going to meet him but last minute Shayna decided to ditch me for this interview and I don't trust anyone else but you with this job...after all my baby is the best and she can handle everyth-

Y/n: Shhh... I get it I am the best...but you don't have to butter me up... I know how important this interview for our publication so don't worry... I will manage everything (only if you know I can't)

Wonwoo hugged Y/n saying millions of talk you and walked out of the room leaving two past lovers alone...

Jimin: So Y/n, how have you been?

Y/n looked at him like he is some sort of a mad man...but she cannot say anything at least not now when few things are at stake...

Y/n: I am great Mr. Park, thank you for asking if you don't mind please let's get started with this interview...

Jimin was hurt, 1. Y/n was calling him Mr. Park 2. She is avoiding eye contact like he was a stranger and they don't know one another...

After taking their respective seats Y/n started to ask him some questions related to his latest project, past success, challenges, and more but there was this one question she wanted to avoid for two reasons 1. She really doesn't want to know and 2. What will people do with this information? But she have to so, she did...

Y/n: Last but not the least, Mr. Park we all know you are one of the most eligible bachelors in the world...So, is there someone you want to be with or what is your ideal type?

Jimin, who's eyes were glued to Y/n cleared his throat before answering the question that he wasn't sure if he can actually tell the truth...the only person he wants to be with is sitting right in front of him and he can't have her...

Jimin: uhh- I do have a type (looking straight at Y/n) she has to be cute, bubbly, strong, mature, calm (who can control his beast), and won't leave my side no matter what...

Y/n knows that the person he is talking about is none other than her...but last sentence made it clear that her decision of leaving him was still hurting Jimin...but he wasn't the only one who was hurting and she had her reasons that they both know...

Y/n: okay, thank you so much for your time Mr. Park...

Y/n started walking out of the door but was pulled back by Jimin and her face met with Jimin's well-built chest... And she could clear how fast his heart was beating...

Y/n: Wh- What ar- are You do- doing Mr. Park? (Cursed herself for stuttering)

Jimin: You seriously going to pretend that we don't know each other? Why are trying to run away when I am not even doing anything to you?

Y/n looked in his eyes seeing nothing but hurt and love for her...being so close to Jimin was tempting her to kiss him...but she wasn't going to have it not after everything that has happened to her in past...not when Jimin is the reason for her sorrow...So she backed away

Y/n: I don't know what are you talking about Mr. Park...Of course I know can I not know the person who caused me so much pain...and there is no guarantee that you won't gonna do anything because we both know what are you capable...

If Jimin was hurt before, he was broken now from the words said by none other than the person he loves the most... He tried to hold Y/n once again...lips only inches apart

Jimin: Y/n... I-

Jimin was interrupted by the knock on the door...

Wonwoo: Hey, sorry for interrupting but are you guys done with the interview? because-

Y/n: Yes, we are done and-


Jimin was familiar with voice but was confused as if I was that person shouting...and before he could say anything two figures crushed Y/n into bear hug...

Y/n: Uh- hh guys I ca-can't breath

??: Oops...sorry we just missed you a lot...

Y/n gave them the biggest smile...the same she used to give it to Jimin when they were in a relationship...the smile he miss a lot

Y/n: I know...and I missed you too Tae and you too Joon...

Jimin was sure he have seen these two guys before but cannot put a finger on it...where? And why the hell they are hugging Y/n like that don't they know she is Min-

Y/n: when did you guys came back? How was your meeting?

Namjoon: We came back last night...and meeting was nice we got the deal...

Showed his infamous simple that can melt anyone's heart and now when Jimin controlled his jealousy he remembered that these guys in front of him are none other than The Kim Brothers (also one of the best businessmen in the world except they are running family business)...

Taehyung: Enough with this work talks I want to know about your plans for tonight let's do the night stay...just three of us? We have so much to talk about and I have missed my best frnd so so much... please???

Before Y/n could reply Jimin cleared his throat to remind his presence in the room and now all eyes were on him...(awkward) Namjoon was the first to speak

Namjoon: Hello Mr. Park, it's great to see you here

Jimin: Likewise Mr. Kim (handshake)

Taehyung: Hello Mr. Park, I am also honoured to meet you (gave an awkward smile)

And before Jimin could say something Taehyung turned his focus back to Y/n giving her back hug

Taehyung: Y/n please let's do the sleep over... I promise it will be fun

Jimin started to drink water to keep his cool because he was seconds away from snapping Taehyung's head...he was beyond angry and it didn't go unnoticed by Y/n... so for her best friend's safety she moved away from the hug giving her warmest smile to Taehyung she said

Y/n: Okay fine, let's do it but I don't wanna hear anything about how good your bf is in the bed... promise (showing her pinky)

Taehyung had no choice but to agree with anything his best friend says and Jimin took a deep breath after knowing that Taehyung has a bf (but who? Any guesses)

They were about to leave the room when Wonwoo said something that turned Jimin's world upside down...

Wonwoo: Bun, now you can go and meet your Fiance I won't hold you back anymo-


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