Chapter 22 - All in one place

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(A/n: Okay, I realised 2 things... 1.) Yoongi's reaction when he met Jin was like he saw him after years and not a dead person that I wrote few days ago... So please imagine that he was shocked that's a mistake and that time I didn't thought about writing the story from this angle... Deep apologies for that... 2.) Men in my story are sensitive and they usually cry which I don't feel is wrong because they are humans too and crying does not make any weak... Actually it makes them look stronger that's my opinion and everyone have different point of view so bear with it please)


After what felt like eternity doctor came to the waiting area where everyone was waiting... Y/n was the first one stood up...

Y/n: Doctor how is-

Doctor: He is out of danger now and wants to see Jimin

Everyone in the waiting area was shocked... Especially Jimin... Why on earth would Jin out of all people wants to see Jimin...

Namjoon: Are you sure you heard the right name doctor?

Doctor: I am 100% sure he said he wants to see Jimin... So if you would...

Jimin gave him a quick nod and followed the doctor out of the waiting area...

Jungkook: Woah, this is interesting... Watch out Y/n what if they both end up getting married...

Y/n glared at her brother and others chuckled except for Yoongi...

Yoongi: Not the right time Kook...

Jungkook: Sorry

They all were waiting for what feels hours but It has only been 40 minutes... The silence was broken when Yoongi's phone started vibrating...

Yoongi: Hello? All of us? Okay

Everyone looked at Yoongi with questionable eyes...

Yoongi: It was Jimin he said Jin Hyung is calling us all...

They all were confused but had no other choice then to follow Yoongi... Y/n and Jungkook were walking together...

Y/n whispered: Are so many people allowed to visit a patient?

Jungkook: Technically no but who will stop the owner?

Y/n confused: Owner?

Jungkook: Yep this Hospital is owned by Your ex, my ex and Namjoon Hyung's boyfriend...

Y/n looked at her brother with done look

Y/n: You know there was a simple way to it... Like just taking their names

Jungkook shrugged: Where is the fun in it... Oh, see behind this door is your ex and current fiance...

Y/n: JUNG-

Yoongi: Can you two shut the fuck up? This is hospital not your home...

Yoongi whisper-yelled at two siblings making them go shut...

Y/n whispered: What do you and Tae see in this man? He is -

Jungkook: Scary and Hot? I know...

Y/n rolled her eyes and went into the room to only to see Jin in flower's position (half lying) he was only in his jeans... his head was bandaged, there was support for his shoulder and multiple bruises on his face, hand and upper body... Y/n couldn't control and started crying gaining everyone's attention...

Jin: Love...

His voice low and broken... Barely audible as he was finding it difficult to talk in all the pain he was in... When Y/n looked at him again her vision was blurry due to tears so she blinked couple of times to see not only Jimin but Wonwoo was sitting there beside SeokJin's bed...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now