Chapter 5 - New Arrivals

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After few days of that unexpected meeting things were back to normal... Y/n was busy with her work and also looking for new secretary as her last one was going on a maternity leave...

Y/n: I am telling you Jennifer I am not gonna get anyone better than you there is no way in hell anyone could be better than you...

Jennifer giggled at her behaviour

Jennifer: Come on boss... it's not like I am never gonna come back it's just for few months I know you can find someone...and here this is last person for the day I hope...

Y/n: Kim Yeonjun...(guess my life is filled with Kims) call him in

Soon a guy in his early twenties entered the cabin and Y/n gestured him to sit...and what feels like ages Y/n looked impressed with all answers given by Yeonjun but what she didn't saw was the way Yeonjun was looking at her....

Y/n: You are Hired and also can start working from tomorrow...

Yeonjun smiled thanking Y/n for the opportunity and how excited he is to work with her...


At Park Industries

Jimin can't get Y/n out of his mind not like he every did...but meeting her after so long made me go feral...his craving for Y/n is constantly growing but somehow he feels helpless because of the deal he made with Y/n and also he doesn't want to hurt her anymore...but can you blame him for wanted the only person he ever loved?

He was so indulged in his thoughts that he failed to notice two figures standing in his cabin...

Yoongi: You know overthinking is injurious to health?

Hobi: So is overdose of coffee

Yoongi glared at Hobi whereas, Jimin was startled by sudden appearance of his best friends...

Jimin: When did you guys came

Yoongi: When you were daydream about Y/n and planning on building a family with her

Jimin: Hyungggggggg

Hobi: Hahaha...I am telling you his blunt and sarcastic replies will get him into trouble one day...

Yoongi: tsk tsk...we live in trouble Hoba... nothing can be worst than that...but you (pointing at Jimin) What is going in your evil mind?

Jimin smirked: You know me better than I know myself Hyung...So, you must be having answer to your question

Hobi: Ohhhhh that was nice...

Jimin: Okay let me what brought you two here...I mean we barely meet at my office

Yoongi: Thinking about what happened last time we thought it is better to meet where risk will be little less... Also double Cs are quite after the stunt they pulled which means they are planning something big and if he are right...

Hobi: they are going after Y/n

Jimin was shocked with why would double Cs will go after Y/n she has nothing to do with the mess

Jimin: But why?

Yoongi: Since when did you became this dumb? Y/n is your weakness and they know...

Hobi: Actually you are pretty obvious when it comes to Y/n and your undying love for her....

Jimin signed knowing that whatever his Hyungs are saying is true and he cannot change that...

Jimin: So, what do we do now?

Yoongi smirked: I have a pla-

He got interrupted by ring on Jimin's phone

Jimin: Hello...Okay send me the location I will be there...fine

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now