Happy Birthday Namjoon (NamSeok special)

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(A/n: It's my favourite Leader's Birthday so I decided to make a special chapter decided to him and Hoseok as I have paired them together for the story and also because I really like Namseok friendship in real life... This part is actually a flashback of how their love story started so this won't gonna affect the present storyline... Also if you want you can skip this part)

*Four years ago before Mr. Jeon's death*

It was another ball hosted by the Jung Hoseok for the success of his new project and all the famous businessmen were invited including The Kim Brothers. After coming back from the USA 2 months ago both Namjoon and Taehyung took over their family business... They have been working hard to prove that even though they are born with silver spoon both of them are worthy of taking caring of their family business. (But they are still don't know a secret). Since the minute they took over the company... Namjoon and Taehyung have been meeting many important businessmen to strengthen their connection. With the same thought Namjoon is here today... Taehyung was also supposed to be here with him but couldn't make it due to an important meeting causing Namjoon to come alone...

Jung Hoseok is known for throwing the best Balls in the city and nobody could deny that

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Jung Hoseok is known for throwing the best Balls in the city and nobody could deny that... This time the party theme was "Masquerade" (I love masquerade balls sue me)... Namjoon was talking to other businessmen when his eyes landed on three figures across the ballroom one he clearly knows was Jung Hoseok the man is everywhere today, from front page of the newspaper to news headlines Jung Hoseok was everywhere today... he was sitting with two other men he doesn't know, one  resembles a cat from distance and other one was just a baby but he was sitting very close to Hoseok more than Namjoon's liking...and then they laughed except for the cat looking guy... It would be a lie if Namjoon's heart didn't do flip looking at how beautiful Hoseok's laugh was... (A/n: they were not wearing a mask so he can clearly see their face)...

Namjoon thought: What are they taking about

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Namjoon thought: What are they taking about...

Jimin: For professional salsa dancers I feel like you are wasting your money Hyung....

Jimin said while sipping his wine...

Hobi: You are only saying this because you enjoy us dancing...

Jimin: Of course I enjoy when we dance Hyung... You are the best dancer in the whole world...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now