Chapter 26 - Final fight

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The deafening sound of gunshots shattered the tranquility of the mansion... Wonwoo, Y/n, Jungkook, and Taehyung froze, their eyes wide with fear and shock as the echoes of the gunfire reverberated through the house...

Jungkook immediately rushed to the window, cautiously peeking outside... He saw masked men in dark clothing, armed with guns, approaching the mansion's entrance... Panic surged through him as he realized that danger was imminent...

Jungkook: (whispering urgently) Everyone, get down! We need to hide!

Wonwoo, Y/n, and Taehyung swiftly followed Jungkook's lead... crouching behind a nearby sofa... The adrenaline pumping through their veins masked their fear as they waited for further instructions...

Meanwhile, in the room where Namjoon lay unconscious, Hoseok struggled to regain his senses... His vision blurred as he tried to sit up, pain coursing through his body from the gunshot wound...

Hoseok: (gritting his teeth) Dammit... I need to warn them...

With great effort, Hoseok managed to pull out his phone and dial Jimin's number... He hoped that they were still within reach and that his call would get through...

Back at the location of 2Cs' base, Jimin and Yoongi were focused on their mission... They had tracked down valuable information that could potentially dismantle the criminal organization... Little did they know that their friends' lives were in danger...

Jimin's phone vibrated silently, signaling an incoming call from Hoseok... He discreetly checked his phone, and his eyes widened in alarm when he saw the caller ID... Without hesitation, he answered the call...

Jimin: (whispering urgently) Hobi hyung, what's wrong?

Hoseok: (weakly) Jimin, you need to come back... The mansion is under attack...

Jimin's heart sank at Hoseok's words... He exchanged a worried glance with Yoongi, who could sense the tension in the air...

Jimin: (whispering) Hyung, are you okay? Where are the others?

Hoseok: (grimacing) I am... I am hurt, but I will manage... Wonwoo, Y/n, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jin hyung are here... Please hurry back... Mr. Kim's men will find them soon...

Jimin: (determined) We are on our way. Stay hidden and keep them safe, Hobi hyung...

As Jimin hung up the call, he quickly relayed the situation to Yoongi...

Yoongi: (concerned) We need to go back, Jimin-ah...

Jimin nodded, his resolve unwavering.

Back at the mansion, Mr. Kim's men had breached the entrance... They moved stealthily through the corridors, their intentions were clear... Finding the hidden... Wonwoo, Y/n, Jungkook, and Taehyung's hearts pounding with anxiety...

Taehyung: (whispering) What do we do now? Jin hyung is downstairs...

Jungkook: (determined) We need to find a way to defend ourselves or escape... There must be something we can use...

They began to search the room for any makeshift weapons, their minds racing to come up with a plan to protect themselves... In the midst of their panic, the unexpected happened... The lights in the mansion suddenly went out, plunging the entire house into darkness...

Y/n: (startled) What is happening?

Taehyung: (whispering) Maybe it's a power outage? We should take advantage of this and move quietly...

With cautious steps, they made their way towards the exit, guided only by the faint moonlight filtering through the windows... The darkness offered both cover and uncertainty, as they couldn't see their potential assailants...

But unfortunately, they all got caught...

*Flashback ended*


Jimin and Yoongi moved through the darkness, their footsteps silent, and their senses on high alert... The tension in the air was palpable as they drew closer to the source of the voices and footsteps... Finally reached the area where they heard the voices and footsteps. Peering around a corner, they saw a group of armed intruders, their faces concealed by masks.

Jimin: (whispering to Yoongi) We need to be careful and strategic... There are too many of them... Yoongi nodded in agreement, and they silently observed the intruders, trying to discern their intentions... With years of experience in dealing with dangerous situations, they knew that stealth and strategy were their best allies...

The older male discreetly placed small, noiseless devices around the area... These devices emitted a high-frequency sound that would disorient and confuse the intruders momentarily when activated...

With their preparations complete, Jimin and Yoongi coordinated their actions seamlessly... the Mafia King targeted the intruders' communication devices, disabling their ability to call for reinforcements... Simultaneously, Yoongi activated the disorienting devices, causing the intruders to stumble and lose their bearings...

The element of surprise was on their side as the best duo swiftly incapacitated the intruders, rendering them unable to pose a threat... They worked in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized as if they were a well-oiled machine...

With the immediate threat neutralized, Jimin and Yoongi cautiously approached the restrained intruders, their expressions unyielding... They needed information, and they needed it fast...

Just as Jimin and Yoongi were about to employ more persuasive methods, the lights in the mansion flickered back to life, dispelling the darkness that had shrouded their actions... The room was now well-lit, revealing the defeated intruders and the two determined figures who had thwarted their plans...

(And just like that... the fight began... I am sorry... I don't have any motivation to continue this story but I do want to complete it as it was my first of all time... so please imagine that Jimin and Yoongi brutally killed Mr. Kim and his men)

Jimin: (smirking) It's safe now, guys... Everything is okay...

Relief washed over them as they realized they were finally out of danger...

Jungkook: (grinning) You guys are lifesavers!

Wonwoo: (grateful) Thank you both... We owe you our safety...

With the threat eliminated, the group regrouped, and Jimin and Yoongi filled them in on the situation...

Yoongi: (nodding) We're finally free...

With their friends by their side and a bright future ahead, they walked away from the mansion, ready to embrace the new beginning that awaited them, leaving behind the darkness that had once threatened to consume them...

The dawn of a new chapter had arrived, and they were determined to make the most of it, cherishing the bonds they had forged and the strength they had discovered within themselves...

*No proofread*

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