Chapter 28 - (Alternate Ending) Love Reunite

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A Year Later~

The day had finally arrived when Y/n and Jimin would pledge their love and commitment to each other in front of their friends and family... It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and the promise of a beautiful future together...

Y/n looked radiant in her bridal gown, and Jimin was a picture of charm and elegance in his tuxedo... As they stood at the altar, gazing into each other's eyes, their love was palpable, and the excitement in the air was electric...

Yoongi and Taehyung, standing side by side as the best men, couldn't have been happier for their friends... They couldn't be happier for Y/n and Jimin, who had found happiness in each other's arms...

As Y/n and Jimin exchanged heartfelt vows, there was not a dry eye in the audience. Their promises to support each other, to cherish every moment, and to stand together through life's ups and downs were a testament to the deep love they shared...

The ceremony continued flawlessly, with friends and family offering their heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds... But the most anticipated moment of the day was still to come...

During the reception, as guests savored a delectable meal, an air of excitement buzzed through the room... It was evident that something extraordinary was about to happen...

Hoseok had been planning this moment meticulously, eager to take the next step in his relationship with Namjoon... His heart raced with anticipation as he stood before their friends and family, holding a small velvet box...

He cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention... With a deep breath, he began to speak...

Hoseok: (nervously) Today, we gather not just to celebrate Y/n and Jimin's love but also to celebrate the beauty of love itself... And, well, I wanted to make this day even more special...

Namjoon watched his boyfriend with anticipation, sensing that something extraordinary was about to unfold...

Hoseok: (emotionally) Joonie, from the moment we crossed paths, you've brought light and warmth into my life. You've shown me the beauty of simplicity, the joy of laughter, and the depth of love. And today, surrounded by our loved ones, I want to ask you something important...

As Hoseok knelt down on one knee, he opened the velvet box to reveal a stunning ring.

Hoseok: (teary-eyed) Kim Namjoon, will you marry me and be with me for the rest of our lives?

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Namjoon, with tears in his eyes, nodded enthusiastically.

Namjoon: (emotionally) Yes, Hobi, a thousand times yes!

It was a moment of pure, unadulterated joy—a promise of forever... The celebration continued late into the night, marked by laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts... It was a day of love, not just for the couples in the spotlight but for all those who had found their own unique love stories...

Under the starry sky, Y/n and Jimin danced under the moonlight, while Yoongi and Taehyung along with the newly engaged couple held each other close, knowing that their love had come full circle... Jungkook, who had always been drawn to a mysterious man's charm, couldn't help but feel a newfound connection as he met someone who bore an uncanny resemblance to his past love...

Stranger: Why are you looking at me like that?

Jungkook: You look like someone I know...

Stranger: Oh... I am not sure if this is your way of flirti-

Jungkook: (Shaking his head in denial): No no... I am seriously serious...

Stranger: Ahh... I hope his name is not Suga... or else it would be an issue

Jungkook: Suga~


Meanwhile, as the night wore on, Wonwoo found himself in the garden of the mansion, seeking a moment of solitude to gather his thoughts... He had been carrying a secret deep within him for a long time, and he couldn't keep it hidden any longer... As he gazed at the vibrant flowers swaying in the gentle breeze, he knew it was time to confront his feelings...

Jin had been a constant presence in his life, first as his best friend and later as sister's fiancé... Despite the circumstances that had led to their breakup, Wonwoo had admired Jin from afar, captivated by his kindness, resilience, and unwavering support throughout their shared challenges...

With a deep breath, Wonwoo approached Jin, who was tending to the garden with great care...

Wonwoo: (nervously) Jin, there's something I need to say...

Jin looked up from his seat, his warm smile softening the seriousness in Wonwoo's eyes...

Jin: (curious) What's on your mind, Woon?

Wonwoo: (hesitating) I've carried this with me for a long time, and I can't keep it to myself any longer... I need you to know how I truly feel...

Jin's expression remained gentle and encouraging, silently urging Wonwoo to continue...

Wonwoo: (emotionally) Jin, you've always been there for me, and I admire you more than words can express. You've shown me what it means to be strong, compassionate, and selfless. And... (taking a deep breath) I've fallen in love with you, Jin...

The confession hung in the air, and for a moment, there was silence between them... Wonwoo's heart raced as he awaited Jin's response, unsure of what to expect...

Jin: (softly) Woon...

Jin's voice was filled with warmth and understanding, and he reached out to gently place his hand on Wonwoo's shoulder...

Jin: (gratefully) Thank you for being honest with me... Your feelings mean a lot to me, Woon.

Wonwoo's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting such a gracious response... He searched Jin's eyes for any signs of discomfort or rejection, but all he found was genuine kindness...

Jin: (smiling) You see, Wonwoo, life has a way of surprising us, and sometimes, it leads us down unexpected paths... I may not have anticipated this, but I value our friendship deeply...

Wonwoo: (relieved) Jin, I understand if this changes things between us... I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship, but I couldn't keep my feelings hidden any longer...

Jin: (thoughtfully) Woon, our friendship is important to me, and I don't want to lose that... But I also believe that love can take many forms, and it doesn't always have to follow a conventional path... Let's explore this together, one step at a time...

Wonwoo's heart swelled with gratitude and hope... He never expected Jin to reciprocate his feelings, but he was grateful for the understanding and openness they shared...

As they continued to tend to the garden, a new chapter of their relationship began... It was a chapter filled with mutual respect, trust, and the possibility of love, as they navigated the uncharted territory of their feelings, all while cherishing the deep bond of friendship that had brought them to this moment...

In the midst of newfound emotions, they found solace in each other's company, ready to embrace whatever the future held for them, knowing that their connection was built on a foundation of genuine affection and unwavering support...

The end...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now