Chapter 8 - That was unexpected

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That's what Jimin and Hobi are feeling right now... Min Yoongi is sitting on his bed half naked (not wearing a shirt...that means his pale skin is on display *Wink*) and there is this another guy looking at them with same shocking expression like he has seen a ghost (not one but two)...

Jimin and Hobi: KIM TAEHYUNG

They screamed their lungs out....

Yoongi: Holy motherfucking shit....can you guys stop screaming and what the hell are you doing here?

Yoongi was pissed and beyond angry at his two best friends who barged into his bedroom uninvited...Jimin and Hobi tried to compose themselves and overcoming the shock they just got...

Jimin: What is Kim Taehyung doing here?

Yoongi: Answer my question first...

Hobi: We got a call that someone is sneaking into your house all covered up and we thought maybe it's a shooter or someone hired by -

Jimin stopped Hobi from revealing too much information in front of the new face...though he is still seating on Yoongi's lap looking at them with same shocking expression....looks like kid needs more time to understand the situation

Yoongi signed deeply and tapped Taehyung's shoulder to bring him back to reality...

Taehyung: huh? Oh-ah I-I am...I am so-sorry

He slowly got up from Yoongi's lap and sat on the bed...

Jimin: You still haven't answered my question and also can you please put on some shirt...I am not used to seeing your abs...Wait when did you got abs?

Yoongi didn't said anything and started searching for a shirt...he was happy his friends care so much about him but also he was mad at them for showing up at wrong time....Hobi slowly made his way towards Taehyung offering him a glass of water...

Taehyung: Th-thank you

Hobi smiled that him knowing that the younger is scared to what's gonna happen next...Jimin was waiting for his Hyung to answer arms crossed against his chest...

Yoongi: What?

Jimin: You need ear aids grandpa? What is he doing here...

Yoongi: H- he is my -

Taehyung: Friend

Jimin and Hobi gave Taehyung "Are you kidding me" look but Taehyung was looking straight in Yoongi's eyes...

Taehyung: That's what were you going to say right? We are JUST FRIENDS...

Taehyung had tears in his eyes...he was at the verge of crying when Yoongi's next word once again shocked everyone

Yoongi: Boyfriend

Taehyung was surprised but not Jimin and Hobi because somewhere he has an idea what was going on...they wanted to leave but who is gonna miss free show

Jimin: For how long?

Yoongi: 2 years, 4 months, 23 days, and 42 minutes

Taehyung was blushing hard knowing Yoongi remember exact time and date...

Jimin: That's quite a detail

Hobi: Hyung are you kidding me? Two years Hyung and you didn't even bothered to tell me? I can understand you not telling it Jimin because he was never mentally present

Jimin: HEY!!!

Hobi completely ignored Jimin's whining...

Hobi: But me? You didn't even bothered to tell me that you are in a relationship

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