Chapter 25 - A Day Before Bloodbath (Part 2)

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Chaos... That's what is going on in the Min Mansion right now... They remember Jimin and Yoongi leaving for the location of 2Cs' base... There was Hoseok to look after Namjoon, Wonwoo, Y/n, Jin, Jungkook and finally Taehyung... But now Wonwoo and Jungkook are groaning in pain, Namjoon is passed out with all the beating, Jin is on his knees, Hoseok is shot, Y/n and Taehyung have knives on their necks... How did all this happen?



Few hours ago before everything went down....

Jimin: So, Hyung, who will come with me?

Yoongi: I will... Hoba you stay here and take care of everything... If anything happens just give us a call...

Hoseok nodded and Yoongi started going out of the house with Jimin before Taehyung pulled him to the side... And kissed him passionately...

Taehyung: Please be safe...

Yoongi smiled and captured younger's lips in another kiss

Yoongi: You take care...

Jimin felt a hand on his shoulder

Y/n: You also be safe...

Jimin can't explain how good this felt... He knows things are not easy between him and Y/n but four words from her made him feel warm... He never cared about being careful before but today just for her he wants to be safe...

Jimin: I will be... For you

Y/n smiled and looked away meeting eyes with Jungkook who smirked at her wiggling his eyebrows... She rolled her eyes and walked away... Jimin and Yoongi were out of the house walking towards the car when Jungkook came out running towards them...

Jungkook: Yoongs

Yoongi turned around and Jungkook almost bumped into him...

Yoongi: Aish Kook slow down...

Jimin: I will wait for you in the car...

Saying this, Jimin walked away leaving Yoongi and Jungkook alone...

Yoongi: What is it Kook?

Jungkook: I already heard Taehyung saying to be safe but I wanted to say that kick their ass and make them suffer in pain...

Yoongi looked at him with wide eyes...

Yoongi: When did a bunny like you started having this type of thoughts?

Jungkook smirked: Just so you know my ex boyfriend is a mafia leader...

Yoongi shook his head but smiled, patting the younger's shoulder...

Yoongi: Take care and don't get yourself into trouble...

Jungkook: Aye Aye Captain

Yoongi: Also-

Jungkook looked at the elder male with a hopeful expression but he wasn't really expecting a forehead kiss from Yoongi...

Yoongi: I mean it when I say don't get yourself in any sort of trouble...

This time... Jungkook only gave him a nod... And with that Yoongi and Jimin left the mansion....


Wonwoo, Jungkook, and Y/n were sitting in the living room discussing their next work plan...

Wonwoo: We are generating pretty good revenue from online business but we need some good strategies for offline one because magazine sales are going down...

Y/n: Hmm... How about once everything settles down with this mafia thing we have a meeting with our teams and see what we can do...

Jungkook: In the meantime we can think of a few ideas of our own and discuss them during the meeting...

Wonwoo smiled: Yeah, sounds good to me...

Y/n: Okay then, I will ask Yeonjun to schedule all the interviews online because I don't know how long we will be stuck here...

Wonwoo nodded and they went back to do their own work... Jungkook was about to enter 'his' bedroom when Taehyung called his name...

Taehyung: Kookie...

Jungkook: Hey Tae

Taehyung: C-can I see this room?

Jungkook's eyes grew wider... He saw how hesitant Taehyung was and decided not to question it... But he still needs to know if Taehyung is 100% sure about going into this room...

Jungkook: Hyung... Are you sure?

Taehyung: (nodded) Yes... I mean I want to see what's inside... I know it is filled with your memories with Yoon but I can't help it...

Jungkook: You have always been a curious soul, Tae hyung...

Taehyung rolled his eyes but his lips curved upwards... When Jungkook unlocked the door and motioned him to get in...

The older of two was nervous but his lips parted in surprise when he saw all the walls covered with Jungkook and Yoongi's pictures...

Jungkook was not sure how he should feel about this... His beloved friend who is currently dating his ex boyfriend is looking at the room that was once his for real... The room where he created memories with the certain pale man who was (is) his lifeline...

Taehyung: Woah... Yoon wasn't lying about this room being filled with memories...

Jungkook: Y-yeah

There was a moment silence before Taehyung spoke up

Taehyung: You still love him, don't you?

Jungkook: I am not gonna lie... Yes, I still love him... I will love him till my last breath but don't worry... I won't come between you both... He was mine once but he is yours now and I can clearly see how much he loves you... so, yeah...

Taehyung was happy to hear that but a part of him felt bad for Jungkook... he never wanted to be the reason for someone's pain... He was there when Yoongi cried his heart out while talking about his first love... The older among two was furious at the person who broke his boyfriend to the core but when he found out it was Jungkook and what he went through... he feels bad for both of them...

Taehyung: I am sorry Kookie... I wish things were different but I love him a lot... so much that I can die for him...

Jungkook smiled: I know hyung... (even I won't hesitate to sacrifice myself for him...) and you don't have to apologize for anything... Everything that happened was meant to be... You were meant to be with Yoongs not me... And tbh... I am happy that he is with someone like you... Just can't wait to see when he will propose you...

Taehyung blushed: Aisshhh...

Jungkook laughed and soon Taehyung joined him... but everything went slient when they heard-


*No Proofread*

A/n: It feels so weird to continue the story that was abandoned long ago... but finally I have decided to complete each and every remaining story... and what's the best day to start than my favorite cat's birthday? 


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