Chapter 16 - Monster

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Warning: Contains sensitive topic like Rape, Abuse, Homophobic thoughts, vulgar language, etc... Please don't read if you are not comfortable and before you attack me let me tell you one think... It happens and people still doesn't talk about it...


After a month

All of them are back in Korea... All three injured men are still recovering from their injuries... Nothing has changed between them...


At Jeon's

Wonwoo and Jungkook are out for work... Y/n was at home today waiting for something or particularly someone...

*Doorbell rang*

Y/n ran towards the door and there stood a boy holding a bouquet and chocolates in his hands...

Boy: Jeon Y/n?

Y/n: Yes?

Boy: This is for you... sign here and please give a feedback

Y/n did the needful and closed the door... She placed the bouquet and chocolates on coffee table... She was confused thinking who sent these... But soon her eyes landed on a note between the bouquet...

Hey Love,

I know things have been tough lately and we have barely got a time to spend together... So, please let me make it upto you... Will you "soon to be Mrs. Kim" like to go on a date with me?

World Wide Handsome Fiance

After reading the note Y/n blused at the cuteness of her fiance... She didn't waste a second to call Jin

*On Call*

Jin: I see you got the bouquet?

Y/n: You didn't have to do this... You could have just ask

Jin scoffed: What do you mean I didn't have to do this? You are my fiancee and I don't see why it is a crime to pamper my love... Also I am not an anti-romantic person like you to just simply ask...

Y/n: That's really mean of you Mr. Kim... And I am not an anti-romantic person... it's just that I am not as cheesy as you...

Jin: Feel yourself lucky then... because not everyone get a bouquet and chocolates from world wide know

Y/n started laughing: you are so full of yourself Jin...

Jin: Well I am still waiting for your response...

Before Y/n could reply door bell rang again...  She went to open the door still being on call... And there stood the man she was waiting for along with his two best friends... She asked them to come inside... Jimin had a big smile on his face but soon got replaced with a frown when he heard y/n talking to Jin on call

Y/n: Jin I call you back and also I would love to go on a date with you...

Jimin clenched his fist, eyes turning dark staring straight through Y/n's soul...

Jin: YESSS! I will pick you up at 6... Byeeee~

Y/n chuckled: Bye

After cutting the call she looked at Jimin and got scared... She could clearly see how angry Jimin is but that doesn't matter...not until she gets all the answers... But first she needs to greet her guests...

Y/n: Hey guys, sorry for that please make yourself comfortable I will bring something for you...

She made her way towards the Kitchen... Yoongi was to first to settle on the couch with Jimin following his action... But Hobi was looking around her house and joined her in the kitchen...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now