Chapter 12 - When it all went down

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Four years ago when Y/n was finally coming back home after completing her graduation... She was super existed to see her family especially her father... She was only 6 years old when her mother died in a car crash... Since then it's always been her father... He has always been there for his children (or that's what Y/n thought)... Supported them is pursuing their dreams... Then comes her brothers... Wonwoo was like a father figure to both Jungkook and Y/n because being the eldest child he was focused into becoming more responsible and also to be trained as a great businessman... In last 7 years, Wonwoo made sure Y/n gets everything she needs during her stay in USA... He used to call her every night to know her wellbeing and all... Then there is Jungkook that one sibling you have Love and hate relationship... Though Jungkook was elder than Y/n he used act like younger one... they used to have lots of stupid arguments but at they end they loved each other to death... But in last few months something has changed... Jungkook doesn't call her anymore... He seems distant whenever she calls him... But she will make it right once she lands there... And lastly she can't wait to see his boyfriend Jimin... He graduated an year before Y/n and came back to Korea right after that... They did face time each other everyday but recently she started noticing bruises on his face... Thinking that he got involved in fight with his friends Y/n tried to brush off the feeling... She doesn't want to think about anything negative today... After all she will finally get to introduce her boyfriend to his family tonight...

Only if she knew in few hours everything in her would change....

Y/n came out of the airport to be greeted by her father who had proud smile and tears in his eyes...


His father chuckled at his daughter's childish behaviour... And hugged her

Mr. Jeon: Oh my baby I have missed you too

They pulled away from the hug and Mr. Jeon kissed y/n's forehead multiple times...

Mr.Jeon: Let's go...your brothers are waiting for you...

Y/n nodded and they made their way towards the car...

Y/n: Dad I have invited someone for dinner today...

Mr. Jeon: By someone you mean you boyfriend?

Y/n: Daddddd

Mr. Jeon started laughing at y/n flustered state

Mr. Jeon: I am sorry... I can't help it... I wasn't planning to unknowingly I heard you talking to Jungkook once that how much you are head over heels for a certain Park guy you meet in high school and-

Y/n: Okay dad that's enough...I know you that you know everything about him

Mr.Jeon: Not everything because I am yet to know his name and how does he look li-

Their car got hit by another car and did the flip... Y/n blinked couple of times to understand what the hell is happening...

Y/n whispered: Dad?

Mr. Jeon who seemed to understand the situation asked y/n to keep quite and lower her head...

Mr. Jeon: Y/n dear listen to me... Don't you dare come out of this car... No matter what happens... And whatever you will see here you won't tell to anyone... Promise

Y/n: But dad-

Y/n was crying but Mr. Jeon knew what was coming and all he could think about was to protect his daughter...

Mr. Jeon: No but y/n... You have to promise also please care of yourself baby... And tell Jungkook I am sorry...

Y/n: Dad please what are saying? You are not going anywhere... Please dad what is happening? Why are you saying all this... please dad

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