Chapter 6 - Him over Me?

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Jimin was shocked and so was Yoongi and Hobi... Jin was feeling awkward with the sudden attention and cleared his throat...

Jin: Are you friends with Y/n too?

Jimin who was amazed by Jin at first was looking at him like with nothing but hate...Jimin hates Jin because he have someone who he loves the most...but before he could do anything a hand on his lap stopped him... Yoongi gave him a stern look and whispered

Yoongi: Don't you dare try to hurt Jin... I don't know what Y/n will do but...Even a smallest scratch on him and I will become your worst nightmare...

Was mafia king scared? Yes, because Yoongi is more than a friend to him...elder brother and a teacher to be precise... everything he knows today is because of Yoongi...but he was also hurt that Yoongi was taking Jin's side...

Jin: Is everything okay?

Hobi: Yes, we were just suprised with the sudden news that you are engaged...I mean of course who wouldn't want to date a man as hot and handsome as you but-

Jin started laughing at Ho-Seok's remark

Jin: Oh Ho-Seok-shi I am so sorry I am not available but if I was single I wouldn't mind dating someone like you...

Hobi blushed: Oh no no no... I was just stating the fact and also I am committed to the man of my dream....

Jin: Congratulations is rare to find true love these days...and I am glad you found your Mr. Perfect just like I found my Miss. And soon to be Mrs.Perfect

Jimin to himself: I am sorry Jin Hyung but that is not gonna happen not until I am breathing...

As if Yoongi could read his mind...he pinched Jimin's arm to bring him back to reality...

Jimin: Ouch hurts

Yoongi: You deserve it... anyway Jin Hyung what are you doing this evening let's go out for dinner because we have a meeting to attend...

Jin: I would love to Yoongichi but I have a date with Y/n about tomorrow at my place? It will be our date

Not paying attention to last words Yoongi agreed with Jin's plan but two people were burning in for the date that will take place tonight whereas other for the one that will happen tomorrow...

After making sure Jimin is in check and everything is fine they bid their goodbyes to Jin...not before sharing a hug...

Yoongi: This time don't disappear like Jinnie (Pun intended) least not without granting my wish...

Jin: I still make better jokes and food than you...

Yoongi: Whatever makes an old man happy...

Jin: Aishhh where is your respect for elders...

Before Jin could start his angry rap they walked out of the cafe...Jimin and Hobi had to meet someone so they left in one car and Yoongi made his way towards another one...but footsteps were following him without looking back he said

Yoongi: Go home Jungkook...I am not in a mood to talk

Before Yoongi could open the door of his car he was trapped between car and Jungkook's well built body... Jungkook pressed his lips towards Yoongi's ears

Jungkook: Come on Yoongs for how long are you gonna ignore me? It's been years and you are still not over it? Not like there is someon-

Before Jungkook could say anything further Yoongi pushed him away and without spending a second he was in the car driving at full speed...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now