Chapter 9 - Vacation (Part 1)

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Y/n and Namjoon looked at Taehyung like he said something forbidden

Taehyung: Yes Hawaii, Yoongi Hyung owns a villa there and it's a perfect place to keep ourselves away from this busy and stressful life...

Namjoon: Yeah, but for a week?

Taehyung: Yeppppp...also Y/n...Jin Hyung is coming with us right?

Y/n: Uh- about him... No he is not coming with us due to some urgent work...

Y/n really wanted Jin to come with them but whenever she plans something with her best friends...he always turn down the offer...

Taehyung: Don't be sad Y/n...we will be there for you... I will make sure you enjoy this trip no matter what

Namjoon: Exactly, we won't let you feel alone... BFF promise

Y/n wrapped her arms around Taehyung and Namjoon feeling lucky to have best friends like them...

Y/n: Thank you guys I can't wait to meet your boyfriends... Gosh I have heard so much about them it's about a time I get to see them....

Only if she knew that there will be someone else...

Taehyung: Okay, let's get done with our packing because Yoon and his besties are already in Hawaii to welcome us...

Y/n: Hey, btw who is your Yoon's other best friend?

Taehyung: Oh you already know him...he is none other than Mr. P-

Taehyung got interrupted by a phone call

Taehyung: It's Yoongi...Hiiiii babe~

With that Taehyung left the room

Y/n to herself: I know him? I wonder who?


Time skip

At Yoongi's Villa in Hawaii (I am lazy AF)

At Yoongi's Villa in Hawaii (I am lazy AF)

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(A/N: These are downloaded from Google

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(A/N: These are downloaded from of course these are not mine bcz I am broke...also please let me know if I should add more images in the story for better imagination)

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