Chapter 15 - Everything is Fine?

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After 72 hours of wait... All three men got their conciousness back... Jin was sitting in Namjoon's room tears falling from his eyes

Jin: Namjoon-ah please forgive your Hyung...

Namjoon: Only if you promise to come back home...

Jin: I can't come back home but I promise from now on I won't ignore you and Taehyung... I promise

Namjoon smiled: I can live with that but you will allow us to visit your place also from now on you will accompany us on our trips...

Jin smiled: Okay done...

And he slowly hugged Namjoon... Who gladly return the hug...

Taehyung who was listening to his hyungs decided to put his own inputs...

Taehyung: And I want free coffee and cakes

Jin and Namjoon started laughing and pulled him into hug as well...

Hobi: Oh sorry I will come later

They pulled away from the hug

Jin: Yah Hoba where are you going? It's rude to leave your boyfriend alone

Hobi blushed: He is not alone...

Taehyung: Oh we will leave you alone... Just don't go wild you know he is still recovering...

Jin smacked his head from behind

Jin: Aish you unholy child who taught you all this?

Taehyung; Ouch Hyung you don't know how loud these two are...we could clearly here them in our bedroom...

Namjoon: Like you two were any less? We also heard you in our bedroom...

Hobi: Yes, Joonie is right only Jimin and Y/n's bedroom was soundproof... Rest all are not so we heard you screaming Yoongi Hyung nam-

Jin: Ahhhhhh... Stob it you guys... You all are unholy children... You and Yoongi have ruined my brothers too...

They all started laughing but Jin was feeling weird after knowing that Jimin and Y/n shared a room... but he decided not to think too much about it... Sharing a room means nothing...


Doctor was checking on Jimin

Doctor: Well young man you are really strong... For someone who lost so much blood you are recovering really fast...

Jimin smiled: Thanks doctor

Doctor: You know you are not only strong but lucky too...

Jimin: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: You see it's really hard to find someone who loves you so much to not leave your side no matter what...

Jimin: HUH?

Doctor: I am talking about your girlfriend who was sitting with you every night... Thinking if you wake up in middle of night there should be someone with you... You are really lucky man... But you know who is luckiest one?

Jimin: Who?

Doctor: Your-

Before he could say anything y/n entered the room looking very tired...

Doctor: Oh your girlfriend is here... Guess I will check on others now...

Jimin looked at y/n taking on her look... Eyes swollen, there are dark circles under her eyes, little smile on her dried lips, glow is missing from her face...

Jimin chuckled: You look horrible

Y/n glared at him and sat on the stool near his bed

Y/n: For someone who just woke up from the surgery you definitely have guts to talk like that? At least be little considerate to thank a person who brought you here...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now