Chapter 4 - Best Friends Forever

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At Min's

Doctor was treating Yoongi's wound which wasn't too deep whereas, Jimin was still trying to convince his other best friend to talk as he was feeling guilty for being so ignorant towards both of them...

Jimin: Hyung I am so sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you and I feel like an ass

Jimin was on the verge of crying... Hobi was mad at him but he can't let his brother like best friend to feel guilty as he also what has happened and why he have been ignorant towards everything... especially Love

Hobi: Jimi-

Before Hobi could say something doctor came out of Yoongi's bedroom

Jimin: How is he doctor?

Doctor: Oh he is absolutely fine considering how sarcastically he replied to all my questions

Jimin snorted and Hobi wasn't surprised with their Hyung's behaviour...he is always like this

Hobi: Thank you for your time Doc

Doctor: It's my job...also I would like one of you to come with me. So, I could tell about his diet and medicine...he needs to eat as coffee is not a real food...

Jimin and Hobi signed together...then Hobi made his way out with doctor and Jimin went to check on Yoongi...

Jimin: You heard what doctor said right? How can someone survive on coffee

Yoongi chuckled and made a gesture for Jimin to sit

Yoongi: Doctors are always dramic and don't I have been through worst you know that...but you have some explanation to do Park Jimin

Oops full name that means Jimin is in big trouble

Jimin: Wh- What are you talking about Hyung...what did I do?

Yoongi: Hmm...for the starters you for the first time noticed that Hobi has a boyfriend and wanted to know who he is even in between the fight you wanted to know his name...I clearly saw guilt in your eyes and on top that you stood frozen in middle of the fight...the Park Jimin Mafia King was standing like a pole when enemies where constantly making their move...what do you think I am fool? You met her didn't you?

Jimin was dumbfounded on how obvious his actions were and how well Yoongi knows him

Jimin: Hyung how do you-

Yoongi: Jimin, you and Hobi are my brothers I know both of you inside-out... And of course I am THE Min Yoongi who is Genius and also smarter than Hobi's boyfriend...

Hobi: Take that Min Yoongi if you don't want to die because I never miss my target

Yoongi: Hoba you might the best shooter but you know it is impossible to kill me

Jimin laughed at his Hyungs' bluntness and silly fights...He was so stupid to miss all this but now everything is coming back to its place... He is coming back to his place and it's all because of Y/n...if meeting her for once can make things right how will it feel to have her back completely? But first he needs to fix things with his best friends

Jimin: So, Hobi Hyung you still won't gonna tell who your boyfriend is?

Hobi: Buy me a dinner and we can talk

Yoongi: And coffee for me

Jimin and Hobi: NO!!!

Yoongi: Whatever...

Jimin pulled them both in hug

Jimin to himself: How did I got so lucky to have them....


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