Chapter 17 - Love is Mess

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Before finding out the truth...Y/n's life was easier... She used to hate Jimin for killing Mr. Jeon that was the only reason why she broke up with him... Him being Mafia never bothered first she was definitely suprised and mad at him for not telling the truth but when she saw her best friends happy with their partners being mafia...she thought maybe it's not that bad... But now what? She is engaged... She loves Jin but her feelings for Jimin are way stronger... Jin means a lot to her.... He has been her support system and happy place... Her mind is a mess right now... Therefore, she is avoiding both men... She needs second opinion...someone who could give her an advice without being biased... So, here she is in a cafe waiting for that person to arrive...

After 5 mins a chair opposite to her got pulled and a person got comfortable... He ordered a black coffee for himself before clearing his throat...

Yoongi: So, Why did you call me here?

Y/n: I need an advice and you are the only person I could think about who will be honest and unbiased...

Yoongi had a proud smirk on his face. Of course he is the best is that even a question?

Yoongi: hmm... Then tell me fast because I have few things to plan for the evening...

Y/n wanted to ask what but that's not her place plus they aren't even that she cleared her throat

Y/n: The thing is all these years I hated Jimin for killing my fath - I mean Mr. Jeon but now when I know that he only kills bad people I don't hate him anymore... Tbh I never hated him at the first place because-

Yoongi: He is your first love and it is hard to hate someone you have loved with all your heart...

Y/n nodded: Yeah, and that's the problem now

Yoongi raised his eyebrows at Y/n in a way to ask what does she mean?

Y/n: I mean I am engaged and I truly love and care about Jin...he is the perfect man anyone could ever dream about b-but I-I

Yoongi: But you never unloved Jimin and now your feelings are growing too much that it's overpowering your love for Jin... Now, you fear to admit your feelings to Jimin because you don't want to lose Jin...

Yoongi made sure it sounds more like a statement than a question because that's the truth and he knows it really well... That is what written all over y/n's face... All she could do was nod...

Yoongi: Hmmm... does Jin knows about your relationship with Jimin?

Y/n: Yeah I told him before we went on a vacation... I mean he already knew I was in a relationship and it ended on a bad terms but the name was unknown to him... So, I told him everything...

Yoongi: How did he took it?

Y/n: He didn't said anything... He only smiled at me

Yoongi nodded his head in understanding...

Yoongi: I guess you should talk to them the same time

Y/n's eyes widened and mouth opened in shock

Y/n: Don't you think that's a bad idea?

Yoongi: No, that the best thing to do... You should sat with both and tell them everything like how you feel and see what they have to say... I am sure Jin Hyung and Jimin will understand and also find a solution that would help you...

Y/n was silent... She was feeling guilty and also she was mad at herself for having feeling for her former lover when she is already engaged... Yoongi saw the distress on Y/n's face...

Yoongi: Y/n relax... Don't blame yourself because love do this to us... It is a very complicated feeling and it's not in our control... We cannot control who we love...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now