Chapter 20 - Siblings' Bonding

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A week has passed and thinks are same... as complicated as it was few days ago... Y/n's feelings are still a mess... Jimin is doing his best to get win his love back and Jin doesn't wanna talk about it... He has left everything on the fate...

At Jeon Publications

It was past 10 and Y/n is still working and have no plans to go back home because she knows that a storm is waiting for her at home... Wonwoo and Jungkook are back and they know... Both of them know about the talk Y/n, Jin and Jimin had a week ago... She is trying her best to avoid her brothers that's the reason why she came to office at 7 in the morning and still doesn't want to go back but she also know that it is really stupid of her to do so... If she won't go home Wonwoo will come to her... Y/n was in deep thinking when a hand on her shoulder made her flinch and gasp...

Y/n: Holy shit Yeonjun you scared me

Yeonjun pulled his hand away

Yeonjun: I am sorry ma'am but I have been calling your name from last 5 mins and you seem lost so...

Y/n signed: It's nothin and sorry for that also what are you doing here at this hour?

Yeonjun: What are you saying ma'am? I am your Secretary how am I supposed to leave you alone...

Y/n: Oh Yeon you don't have to worry about me... And I am about to go home so you should as well...

She didn't noticed the nickname that slipped from her tongue but other guy not only noticed but smiled and blushed...

Yeonjun: I will go after you leave ma'am...

Y/n rolled her eyes muttering a small 'fine' she stood up and was about to walk out of the office but stumbled and landed straight on Yeonjun's chest... Guy lost his balance making them both fall on the floor... Y/n was on top of Yeonjun whereas, his hands were wrapped around y/n's waist... As if was the queue someone came into her cabin and was met with the sight of them in an awkward situation... Jungkook was shocked but soon that shifted into smirk...

Jungkook: Well well... Am I interrupting something?

Y/n quickly stood up and dusted herself ans Yeonjun's did the same... He bowed at both and left the place

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Jungkook: That's not a way to talk to your elder brother also last time I checked I am one of the founders of this company so I can be where ever I want... But the main reason is Woon Hyung wants have a 'talk' with you and he asked me to bring you home NOW...and if I was you I would follow the order because he is already mad at you...

This is what she was fearing about...

Y/n: From the scale of you are grounded to I will kill how mad?

Jungkook chuckled: 'if he had an option to kill 3 people and get away with it he would have killed you trice' that mad

Jungkook laughed and his own joke and Y/n joined him... Soon after Jungkook opened his arms for y/n... She looked at him with wide eyes... In last 4 years this was the first time Jungkook was opening his arms for a hug... Once they both were really close even though they had I hate you/I love you type of relationship but their bond was really strong but soon everything changed and at one point they stopped talking...Only when it was necessary or if there was something work related... They don't know when their relationship got so complicated... Maybe because both of them were dealing with their shit...

Jungkook: Come on... I know you need it and it's not like you get to hug the Jeon Jungkook everyday...

Y/n chuckled and shook her head at the stupid remark of her brother... But she slowly came closer to him and wrapped her hands around Jungkook's muscular waist and placed her head on his well-built chest... Jungkook's one hand was around her shoulder and another was on her head giving slow pats to y/n... They both stood there in the same position for as long as they could... None of them wanted to pull away... They could only think about how much they missed hugging each other...

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