Chapter 14 - Wait

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(A/N: To clear some confusion Hobi had no idea about Jin being Namjoon and Taehyung's brother because he never talked to Jin even though they were in same college and Yoongi was Jin's classmate... Whereas, for Y/n she met Namjoon And Taehyung in USA after Jimin graduated... They were in USA for 6 months for some sort of training... That's why Jimin didn't know about them being best friends (Chapter 1)... And Jin told y/n that he isn't on talking terms with his family because something happened in past and she never really forced him to talk about it)


Back to hospital

Doctor: Okay, Mr. Kim we have removed the bullet but we can't say anything until he gains his consciousness... His condition is still critical...all we have to do is wait

Before they could say anything door of another OT opened and a nurse came out...

Nurse: Relative of Min Yoongi and Park Jimin?

Before Taehyung or Hobi could move... Jungkook was already standing in front of the nurse

Jungkook: What happened to him? Is he okay?

Nurse: Calm down sir, they both have lost lots of blood and their condition is very critical so, we need blood A type for Jimin and O type for Yoongi...

Hobi and Jungkook: I have same blood as Jimin

They looked at each other for a brief moment... Hobi raised his eyebrows to why Jungkook wants to donate blood for Jimin... He didn't said anything because saving his best friend is his priority...

Then Jin came forward

Jin: My blood is O type

Nurse: Very well then... please come this way

They all started moving but Taehyung held Jin by his wrist...

Taehyung looked at Jin with dead eyes... He wanted to punch his brother for the audacity he have... leaving them years ago... Since the time they found out about his cafe...they kept going there everyday in hope that one day their brother will talk to them... But that never happened...and today when Namjoon in OT and also the life of his boyfriend is at stake...Jin decided to show up being protective elder brother

Taehyung: You don't have to worry Mr. Kim... I will find someone to donate the blood

Jin: Don't be ridiculous Taehyung-ah... Yoongi needs me

Taehyung: Oh really? He doesn't need you all he needs is someone who have O type blood... So don't act like you care... Because you never did

Jin: Taeh-

Nurse: Sir we don't have time... He has already lost a lot of blood... Any further delay will lead to serious consequences and maybe death

Jin: Listen Taehyung-ah you are right Yoongi doesn't need me but please let me save him because right now I am your best option... So please...

Taehyung thought for a minute and let go of Jin's hand... He cannot be selfish here... He wants to save Yoongi and if it means taking help from Jin then he will do it...

Nurse led 3 men towards the ward for blood donation...

Y/n was still crying in Wonwoo's embrace...

Wonwoo: Oh sweetie please stop crying nothing will happen to Namjoon he will be okay...

Y/n didn't said anything... Was she only crying for Namjoon? Was she only worried about Namjoon's wellness? Was she only wanted Namjoon to be safe? Clearly not she wants all of them to survive... She wants Namjoon to be saved for Hobi... Yoongi for Taehyung and Jimin for herse- No no for Yoongi and Hobi... She wants Jimin to be safe for his best friends... Absolutely nothing else...

I Do/I Don't (Jimin x Yn x Jin)Where stories live. Discover now