Chapter 21 - Almost kidnapped

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Jimin was conducting a meeting of all Mafia Leaders... Everyone was present except for Leaders of three cities...

Jimin: Do we have any intel on what those two are planning?

Jackson: No king, we have been try to get our hands on them for so long but none of them showed up to any meeting...

Jimin: And Mr. Kim?

Mark: He is still alive?

Yoongi: Who made this kid a Mafia leader?

Mark whined: I am only few months younger than you... Stop calling me kid until you want to know how it feels to have an arrow going straight through your heart

Yoongi smirked: I am always down for a challenge kid...

Jimin signed: Guys?

Hoseok: That crazy asshole is missing for years now nobody knows where he lives... We only know that he calls Namjoon once in a blue moon to remind him of continuing his legacy, getting married to a girl and give him heir... We can't even track him because call never last more than 30 sec... Bastard

Everyone in the room was looking at Hoseok with wide eyes... because the man never loses his calm...

Lisa: Relax Jung we will make sure to keep that 'asshole' away from your man...

Beomgyu: Also after the death of his eldest son he haven't done much... Guess he is still mourning SeokJin's death...

All three best friends gave each other a look...

Jackson: Too bad... Man have you seen his other two sons? I wonder how that many created such beauties... I thought only SeokJin was hot but damn Namjoon and Taehyung are not less in terms of hottness...

He chuckled but failed to notice death glares from Yoongi and Hoseok... They were throwing daggers at him and if looks could Jackson would be dead by now... See this Jimin cleared his throat...

Jimin: We all have to be more alert now because we don't know what 2Cs will do... They are not making any advances which means they are planning something big... I don't fear about my life but there are people I care about and I don't want anyone of them getting hurt....

They all nodded understanding how crucial the situation is... Everyone have someone they want to protect with their own lives...

Lisa: We know what you are trying to say King... If anyone would touch my man I would kill that person with my bare hands...

Mark: But you don't have any man in your life...

Lisa: Yeah, because that stupid is hella oblivious to understand and keeps reminding me that I don't have a man in my life...

Mark: I wonder who that might be?

He pouted, Lisa rolled her eyes controlling herself from not killing him and everyone else signed seeing how dense Mark is...

Yoongi: I swear I cannot stand this kid... Manobal get your Man out of here now before I kill him...

Lisa stood up: Don't worry Min I would do that on my way back home...

She pulled Mark by his collar and started walking out of the door

Mark: Wait, you said her Man I- Ohhh

Before he could finish they both were out of the room making everyone laugh at them

Jackson: Guess he finally understood... Thanks Min...

Yoongi smirked: Your welcome... Also stop calling committed men hot because you never know when their boyfriends will hear you...

Jackson gulped and gave Yoongi a confused look but Beomgyu decided to end this...

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