Chapter 1

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I squeeze through the metal bars. My five years of hard work have finally paid off. "When you find your dad tell him who you are, tell him I'm alive," my mom says. I nod, and walk down the long corridor. All the other prisoners remain silent, and I quickly thank each of them as I walk by.

I crawl out of window that leads to the front of the Bureau. I sneak past the police by the front, and slide through the fence. Right away I see a big wall, like the one my mom had told me about. Farms surround it, also as she mentioned.

My mom told me everything I need to know. Who my father is, what the factions were, who my uncle is, what everyone and everything looks like, and anything else along those lines.

I see a door on the wall that will lead me into the city where my mom once lived. I open it and walk in. I have no idea where to go, only who to find: Tobias Eaton. The city looks worn down yet amazing. I see a girl with short brown hair and caramel skin.

"Excuse me," I ask, "Do you know someone by the name of Tobias Eaton," she stares at me. "Who are you?" She asks, "My names Raven," I answer. "Why are you looking for Tobias?" She asks.

"He's my dad."

"What? He doesn't have a kid."

"Yes he does."

"Who's your mom?"

"Tris Prior."

"That's impossible, she's dead."

"No she's not, she's alive and well."

"Is this some sort of joke."

"No, it's true she was captured by the Bureau."

"Then why isn't she with you?"

"I managed to escape, she told me to find my dad and help her escape too."

"Tris is alive....."

"Can you help me find my dad or not."


We walk along the city streets until we reach a large building. "What's your name by the way?" I ask, "Christina," she says. I remember that name. She presses a button and a hoarse voice is heard. "Yeah?" It says, "Hey Four, it's Christina," Christina answers. "Okay, hang on," the voice responds.

Two big doors open and we go into the building. We walk down a few doors then Christina knocks. A tall muscular man opens the door, "who's this?" He asks, "This is your daughter," she answers. He starts laughing, "Really, who is this," he says again, "Your daughter," Christina repeats.

He stares at me, "Little girl, where are your parents?" He asks me, "One is in jail and one is in front of me I think," I answer. "Christina give it up this isn't funny, bring her back to her real parents," he says firmly. "What's your moms name?" He asks me, "Tris Prior," I answer.

He angrily stares into my eyes, "Christina you didn't have to take your joke this far," he says. "Four, I'm not lying. You can put her under a truth serum", she snaps. "Okay," he responds, "let's do it." He has me sit on his couch while he brings a large needle from a cabinet filled with liquids.

"This won't hurt much, just don't fight it," he assures me. "What do you mean 'don't fight it'," I ask. He just turns my head sideways and injects the needle in my neck. "Now I'm going to ask you a series of questions," he explains.


"Who are you?"

"Raven Eaton."

"How old are you?"


"Are you from here?"

"My parents are but I was born in the Bureau."

"Who are your parents?"

"Tris Prior and Tobias Eaton."

"Why are you here?"

"To look for Tobias Eaton."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"So you can help me save my mom."

"Are you really my daughter?"


I feel the serum wear off. He looks into my eyes, "I believe you," he says, and embraces me. I sigh with relief, and remain silent. "Where is your mom?" He asks, hope written across his face. "The Bureau captured her," I tell him. "I thought she was dead," he says. "It was a trick, that's what the bureau wants you to believe," I explain.

I tell everything my mom told me to tell him and he takes it all in. Christina just sits there amazed. "Well," Tobias says, "are you okay?" I nod, "Just a little hungry, got anything to eat?" I ask, he nods and rushes into the kitchen.

"You like cake?" He asks, "Never had it," I answer. He gives me a slice, "this is the best thing I've ever tasted!" I say, "thank you." He looks down, "I just can't believe I missed the opportunity to be a father," he says sadly. I give him a sympathetic look, "Well, when we rescue my mom we can be a family," I assure him.

"Christina can you take care of her for a while? I need to find Tris," he asks Christina. She nods, "Wait what?! Why can't I come with you?" I ask, "I almost lost your mom and I won't lose you!" He snaps. I cross my arms, and turn away, "Look, I don't know much about being a dad, but I do know dads are supposed to do what's best for their kids," he says softer.

"I'll think about it," he tells me. A woman walks into the room, "Tobias, who is this?" She asks. "Mom, this is your granddaughter Raven," he answers. She gives him a confused look, I just wave. "Well, um, hi," she says, "exactly how old are you?" "Thirteen," I answer.

She gives a shocked look. Tobias explains everything to her, "I'm coming with you," she says. "No I'm going to save Tris alone!" He shouts, "No one is going with me!" He gets up and leaves the room.

"Well then, sweetheart lets get you something comfortable to wear," she says, "My name is Evelyn, by the way," "I know."


I sit on the balcony, a snowflake falls on my nose. I've never been so comfortable in my life. Tobias joins me, "Hey," he says, I nod. He puts his arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry," he sighs,"you should have the right to come, after all, you know the bureau probably better than I do." He rubs my shoulder, and I smile. We sit in silence for what seems like forever.

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