Chapter 18

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"Let's go," Tobias says. I get up and we walk all they way to Candor. I shake as I enter the large building. "We're here," my mom says, Jack enters the room. "Hello Tris, it's been a while," he says, "come into my office." We walk into the room we made the deal in.

I spot Jared in a chair on one side of the desk. "Hey Jack, since I'll be living here, can your security guards show me around?" I ask, he nods. The two guards in the room stand at my sides, when we leave the room I knock the one of them senseless. The other one manages to run away.

I go next to the door that leads into Jack's office and listen to what's going on. "Son, take that gun away from my head!" Jack shouts. I hear my parents struggle to hold him down. I feel two strong hands push me to the floor. It's the security guard. He brings me to the balcony and throws me on the other side of the rail. I scream as I tightly hold on the the bars.

My mom runs out, and knocks the security guard out. She tries to reach over the rail to help me, but she can't reach. Jared looks out and sees my mom trying to save me. "Do you see that?" He shouts, "an innocent girl is about to fall to her death because of you! You're a monster!" Tobias notices my mom being unable to help me.

He runs out and grabs my hands. He pulls me over the railing, "Thank you," I say. "Goodbye dad!" Jared shouts, and I hear the unpleasant sound of a trigger being pulled. Jared walks out onto the balcony, he drops his gun. His face is horror stricken, and I go up to him. "I just killed my own dad," he whispers to me. I embrace him, because I understand how he feels.

"Jared, we have to leave," I say, "we may have killed Jack but he has top notch security who is after us now." He nods, the four of us run the building. We go to our apartment, "It's not safe for you to leave on your own so I'll have to take you to Johanna," Tobias tells Jared, "we leave tomorrow."

I sit on a chair across from the couch, "We need to get rid of Jack's army," I say. "Trust me, we will never be able to do that," my mom says. Jared sits in the chair next to me, "We can eventually," he says. I hear the door bust open, are Jack's security guards here. Jared and I hide under in front of the chairs.

"Zeke," Tobias says.

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